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bsods from overclocking.

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bsods from overclocking.

every time i attempt to overclock my computer will then start bsoding randomly.

this is after ive gone back to default settings and clearing cmos.


ive rma'd my psu once because another forum thought it was the reason, after receiving the psu back it was back to normal. but once i tried oc'n again it started acting up again, randomly. usually when i went afk or on first boot.


i thought it was my friends 4850 i was borrowing, but after receiving my gtx 570 (fresh format) it continued.


its since stopped bsoding, could it have something to do with disconnecting my powersupply for an extending time that fix's the bsods? i believe the bsods stopped once i disconnected my power supply from the motherboard a few months back, but is that a common problem when overclocking? which would explain why i thought the pu from rma fixxed the issue.


if so what is the reason for it? i dont try crazy high voltages trew the motherboard i believe i was using 1.28-1.38v if i remember correctly, 1.81pll, 1.1-1.3 vtt(i think i dont remember its been awhile).


motherboard is a msi p55 gd80, intel i7 860 gpu, gskill eco series 1.35v 1600mhz ram.

Edited by unionnothing

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do you have different memory to try? also did you manually set the speed and timings in the bios?


ive ran memtest on ram for 7-10 passes, ive tried raising it v from 1.35 all the way to 1.6. ive tried 9-9-9-24 timing and memorys default timings 7-8-7-24.

but someone before suggested it could be just the mb doesnt like the ram? im going to send my ram to gskill this week and upgrade to 2x4gb sticks of 1600mhz ripjaws 8-8-8-24. but i really dont see how its ram since i only have a issue with bsods when i try to overclock. lucky the bsods finally stopped im just trying to findout why they started because i would like to oc my pc.

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Union - how were you going about overclocking? Where you just upping the cpu base frequency without any other tweaks or did you play around with the voltages and or other settings too? If so what did you change. Your question about the BSODs is impossible to answer unless we know what you were doing and what settings you were changing in the BIOS.


Before you started overclocking, did you read any guides on overclocking the socket 1156 platform or were you flying blind?

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Union - how were you going about overclocking? Where you just upping the cpu base frequency without any other tweaks or did you play around with the voltages and or other settings too? If so what did you change. Your question about the BSODs is impossible to answer unless we know what you were doing and what settings you were changing in the BIOS.


Before you started overclocking, did you read any guides on overclocking the socket 1156 platform or were you flying blind?



set vdroop to low, turned turbo off etc. i dont remember all the settings, it was early 2011 when i was attempting this. i upped the vtt, cpu volt, pll and base clock. i left the multiplier alone. ive never overclocked so i baskically just used settings i seen other overclockers using for the same cpu/board as i had. i know all cpus are not alike, but i used theres and adjusted, after awhile of not getting a stable 4ghz i upped cpu voltage to 1.38v and was going to just work my way down but was still unable to get a stable oc, which is why one friend thought it was my ram.


but no matter the oc i got i recieved the constant bsods. when i get home i will upload my old memory dump i had and post my oc logs.

Edited by unionnothing

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Sounds like a plan. No harm in trying a different kit of RAM, but strange it would cause problems if you are passing extended runs of Memtest. From everything I've read you've got a pretty good board and it should overclock reasonably well. What brand and model power supply are you running?

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im going to post everything i posted on another forum when i ws attemping this.



"eist, c state, cie support, overspeed protection, turbo boost, and spread spectrum have been disabled


ok so another user on overclock.net forums has the same motherboard and cpu as me, so he's been trying to help me oc my cpu to 4ghz. i cannot seem to get it stable, within 1:40-1:50 running linx with max memory it errors and stops.


ive been using higher vcore then him because i was going to work my way down to see what the lowest vcore i could use that was stable.


heres some pictures of his settings then ill post what i used, so maybe you can help me figure out what to try.









i used same exact settings but i used, 1.38v on dram due to me having 1.35v ram (when i enter 1.35v to switchs to 1.38), and thats not the culprit because when i reset bios to stock and ram to 1.38 it ran linx fine.


i also use 1.32v vcore, 1.30v cpu vtt, everything else is identical. after that i tried "high vdroop", 1.35v vcore, 1.32v vtt and after loading windows i opened linx and bsod'd. after that i reset bios and still kept bsoding after starting the computer with default settings.


on stock settings 28-32c idle / 48-50c load.


when overclocked to 4ghz, i got 38-42c idle / and reached 78-80c then linx errors and stops and goes back to idle temps.


thermalright silver arrow is the cooler, im using memory ratio 5. same settings for memory as picture minus memory voltage mines lower."


qpi ratio 16


when i did 1.3v vtt, 1.81v pll i was able to boot fine and no bsod's but couldnt pass a linx test. with 1.19vtt, auto pll(auto sets it to 1.8v)

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Sounds like a plan. No harm in trying a different kit of RAM, but strange it would cause problems if you are passing extended runs of Memtest. From everything I've read you've got a pretty good board and it should overclock reasonably well. What brand and model power supply are you running?



corsair 850 hx, which has already been rma'd due to this but doesnt help, the mini dumps i uploaded all basically say gpu related but only got them after trying to oc my cpu. and ive regot all the bsods after getting the gtx 570 aswell.


sorry the above info is confusing, just copy/pasted few lines from a few boards i posted on a while back. not really looking for help overclocking it, im just trying to figure out why i got endless bsods when trying to overclock after switching back to stock settings and clearing cmos.

i want to get to the bottom of it before trying to overclock again because i was recieving bsods for months and certainly dont want them to return when i attempt to oc again.

Edited by unionnothing

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Did you purchase the motherboard and cpu new or from a third party?


Your voltage numbers look good (except the load temps are on the high side).


brand new motherboard, used cpu.

once 4.0 failed i started from the bottom 3.0, 3.2, 3.4 and i think all the way to 3.6 by only changing voltage and leaving the pll/vtt alone. ran into problems when i started 3.7, 3.8, 4.0

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Four potential problems that may/may not be the culprit;


1. Heat - remove side panel and place a fan blowing cool air into the case. Repeat tests and see if temps go down and bsods go away

2. Insufficient power at higher overclocks - still need to know brand and model of your current power supply

3. Memory - maybe your board just doesn't like the low voltage memory

4. Used cpu - already pushed too hard by previous owner or maybe they just got rid of it because it was a piss poor overclocker.............. as with any overclocking YMMV

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