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i need help with oc settings for a i7 950 w/ asus mobo

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I posted a while back when i first started about this and got some help but figured a lot out myself. Also changed some hardware because i screwed up! lol! I am running at 4 ghz stable but would like to gain more. I was wondering if anyone could maybe post higher stable settings ( higher than 4ghz) for me to start from. I know every cpu mobo combo even if someone has the exact same combo is different but basically i'm looking for something to start with and adjust from there. Also what are the main settings i need to tweak to see what works and what doesnt? example: cpu voltage? pll voltage? dram? which will help the most by adjusting. I'm still very new but really want to learn as much as I can cram into my head! Thanks guys, i appreciate any help! :thx:

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ray - first welcome to OCC


ray - second, be patient man, be patient


ray - third, a post like #2 above sure isn't going to get you any love or any help around here


First lets start off with what settings you're using for 4.0Ghz stable.


Post up all of your current BIOS settings from the Ai tweaker menu


Would also be helpful to know what motherboard and what memory you're using. Kind of hard to make recommendations if we don't even know those two things.

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ha ha I know sorry I jump the gun sometimes! no excuse. I apologize i thought by entering my system into my profile it would be automatically visible.I'm trying to learn as i go and actually found this website to be extremely helpful since im kinda learning on my own as I go. I had no help with this build so i'm adjusting as i go like switching parts and upgrading where i need to.

I have:

asus ramage lll gene motherboard

2 triple channel kits of ocz reaper hpc 1066 ddr3 = 12 gb

i7 950 bloomfield 3 ghz stock ruffly

Only 500 watt psu (realized after that it should be more)

xfx ati radeon hd 5770

xspc rasa 750 water kit. I haven't cooled my chipset or gpu yet with water but i will

1 tb wd black sata 3 7500 rpm ( my bottle neck even at 6gbs)


with this mobo it has auto settings which i'm sure you already know to automatically change settings to compensate for entries I put in. pretty sure thats how it works, again still learning. lol


4 ghz:


cpu volt 1.325

cpu pll 1.86

qpi 1.325

ioh voltage 1.2

dram bus voltage 1.58

rest on auto started from one of the preset oc options the mobo comes with. i did notice that it raises the cpu voltage a little higher than it needs to be so i lowered it.

I got these settings ( a little different) from a friend of mine who got lucky kinda like I did trying to adjust his settings to work on my computer. I've learned a lot quick and love this so i'm just trying to learn as much as I can.

I really apreciate your response and apologize again for my dumbness!

I forgot to add that I ran prime 95 for 30 mins and an hour with no troubles or shut down. never broke 64 celcius. thanks man

Edited by rayabbott30

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Good morning Ray - all of the voltage settings that you have above should get you to around 4.2 ghz


Assuming that heat is under control and you've got decent power coming from your power supply.......... change your bclk to 183 and your cpu multiplier to 23


That will yield 4.209 Ghz which is reasonable for 24/7 use without having to tweak the hell out of everything. You've already changed the appropriate (major) voltage settings and the values look pretty good. You may have to disable HT if heat or stability become an issue at 4.2Ghz. Make sure that you disable Intel Turbo Mode Technology and all other power saving features for now (i.e. EIST, C1E, C-State and especially Thermal Protection)!


The thing you'll really need to be careful with - and the one thing that might hold you back is your RAM.


12Gb is a good load on the memory controller, so make sure that you use the appropriate DRAM frequency to keep your memory running at or near DDR3 1066 speeds. With your blck at 183 you'll need to use a x6 memory multiplier (the lowest one that's available) and that should yield a memory frequency of 1098Mhz (which is also the lowest you can go at that bclk). Now that is a slight o/c on your memory so you may need to bump up your DRAM voltage to 1.60v or a little above. And, you may also have to bump up your QPI to about 1.35v

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I really appreciate the time you took to answer this and help. I read what you said about the RAM and I believe I have heard something like that before. Maybe too much RAM. I remove 3 modules to make it 6 gb and "seemed" too run just a bit smoother on stock settings. I am going to mess around with these numbers and see what I come up with tonight. 1 question, how come that much lower on the bclk than what I had? Not questioning your knowledge i'm just curious to know why I am doing what I am doing instead of just doing it to get it there and have no clue why! ha ha

Thanks again

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The trick is manipulating the bclk and memory multipliers to give you the memory frequency that you need to run your RAM at a stable speed. As your bclk increases or decreases your memory frequency changes too. While we have memory multiplier options, they aren't infinite. So you end up having to choose the right memory multiplier that multiplies with your bclk resulting in your final RAM speed.


Sometimes when shooting for high cpu clocks, you have to "settle" on memory and bclk frequencies.


I played with several different combinations to come up with what I gave you above. Essentially those are the closest you are going to get and hit 4.20Ghz on your cpu while keeping your memory frequency low enough to be stable. If you had DDR3 1600 speed RAM, you would have quite a few more options. But you're kind of limited by your current memory speed.

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