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BFBC2 Fight night!


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due to the great turn out of the DDC invitational i would like to invite all of you to a weekly fight night on the DDC server.


Each Fight night will carry a different theme. Its up to you to choose the theme of each fight night. Fight nights are to be held every Thursday night on the DDC server. polls for fight night theme will be taken by votes sent to me via PM's, majority wins and the winning theme will be posted on wednesday nights before the fight night!

so vote for what you want to play and ill make it happen.

thanks for coming,


Edited by Mr.Niceguy

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Can't do Thursday nights past 9 for more than 30 minutes, sorry. I value my sleep too much with a 2 year old and pregnant wife due in two weeks. Friday is doable though. I had fun last Friday (I'm -[x]-Morris btw).

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the times of the fight nights are for eastern standard time in order to accommodate those who think 9pm est is to late. i will schedule something earlier on Sunday evenings will keep you posted on the DDC's server events

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Thursday night for 30 minutes it is lol. Sunday is family day, so I don't even turn the computer on. Friday and Saturday night are pretty much the only times I have for gaming, when I don't have other plans.

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lucky for you i havent made any plans yet so i can make it Thursday and Saturday nights. Thursdays at 9pm est and Saturdays at 7pm est be sure to stop by our website at www.dumbestclan.enjin.com

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sounds like fun to me! Thursdays would be the best night for me, I have class until 10pm so I can get on by 10:30. Cant stay on much past midnight tho, because most likely I will have to be to work at 5am

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i have set it up so that admins will run in 2 different shifts one the east coast time from 9 to 12 est and i the west-coast shift 9 to 12 pst. this way we have admins in for the whole fight night no matter where you are.


also hurry and submit your votes for game types time is running out

Edited by Mr.Niceguy

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That's a great clan name. I used to be part of xtremeidiots a couple years ago, so it follows that theme lol.


I'll definitely hit up the server after I put my son to bed on Saturdays. I'll try to make the Thursday 9pm ones as well.

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