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Most reliable drive for p2p file sharing


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Hey guys,

what is the most reliable harddrive out there?

Is SSD more reliable?

I'm looking for a drive for 24/7 p2p file downloading and sharing

and found this

Is it just a rip-off or what?


Anyway, tell me the most reliable harddrive or raid setup!

I dont have much money to spend...maybe 80bucks?!

Thanks in advance!=)

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There really isn't one drive thats more reliable than another, they're all about equally reliable.


For just a P2P file sharing drive, a 5400rpm drive should be fine. $50 for a 500gb drive is a bit much when you can get a 1tb drive for $5 less. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136826.


For what you need, an SSD won't be very cost effective.

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