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Overclocking i5 760

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Ok its been quite some time since I had a desktop and even longer since I last overclocked (last time was a p4 3.0 at 3.8, socket 478! lol) and im finally back in the game with my new rig (check sig)


Question is that im unsure of my settings, im overclocking to 4.0 but only way I get stable with 4.0 and memory at 1600 is to have the memory performance enhance setting on turbo but it says if overclocking, that could become unstable and recommends standard setting. Am I safe using these settings? What are the real world differences with these settings?


Also atm I have a corsair A50 cooler and when running prime or occt im getting temps of just over 80! Is that really bad? Thinking of getting a Noctua NH-D14, should I?


Also although the temps say 80 in realtemp and occt etc it actually says 10c less in the gigabyte easytune utility, which should I believe?


Thanks in advance

Edited by liamstears

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Hi mate.


Nice rig you have there my friend!


I am slightly confused as to what you mean by having the memory performance enhance setting on turbo. Is this a feature of your bios?


The core i5/i7 chips can handle quite a bit of heat and since occt and prime95 really load the CPU like no real application would I would say that those temps are border-line. 4.0 is a decent overclock so if you would like to sustain that speed maybe the Noctua NH-D14 would be a good pick to get your temps down.


I would trust RealTemp temps rather than the temps from the easy-tune utility as they are generally more reliable readings.


EDIT: Realized that you already mentioned what cooler you were using...

Edited by Alexandre

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Hi mate.


Nice rig you have there my friend! What CPU cooler are you using?


I am slightly confused as to what you mean by having the memory performance enhance setting on turbo. Is this a feature of your bios?


The core i5/i7 chips can handle quite a bit of heat and since occt and prime95 really load the CPU like no real application would I would say that those temps are border-line. 4.0 is a decent overclock so if you would like to sustain that speed maybe the Noctua NH-D14 would be a good pick to get your temps down.


I would trust RealTemp temps rather than the temps from the easy-tune utility as they are generally more reliable readings.


Yeh some sort of feature in the bios, would love to know more about it........


Thanks for your reply :-)

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This is a great overclocking guide for your i5 (Lynnfield) chip. Tells you all the basics of the bios and what each setting means and how to tweak them to your advantage.


Hope it is useful in answering a few of your questions :)


Already read through a load of guides, I think this setting is mobo specific.....

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That is a strange setting. Really dislike it when mobo manufactures abstract settings in bios with vague labels; giving you minimal control and not allowing you to understand what it is actually doing.

If it runs fine and stable in the default Turbo setting then leave it as it is. If not then putting it down to Standard may help stabilize things according to some people's experience. Don't think it is that much of a vital setting but I really don't know what it actually does.


Sorry that I can't be of further help mate.

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I've found the 760 to be really easy to overclock. I'm sitting at 3.8ghz right now, but I've hit 4.4ghz with some high voltages before.


80c is a bit toasty but as long as its not that high for several minutes you should be fine. I think the 760 has a max temp rating of around 72c.


As for your memory question, I have no idea, sounds like a feature just for that bios/brand. As long as its stable I think you should be fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick update, got the noctua nh-d14 and that has brought temps down to around 70c full load and I'm stable at 4ghz so I'm very happy : -D


Also got a haf x I'm picking up Saturday so that should also help temps


Thanks guys

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