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overeclocking with my 2 palit gtx 460's sonic


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Hello members,

Thankyou in advance for taking the time to listen to my issuses. I have been overclocking ,as I say ,with my 2 gtx 460's individually,ie ,1 at a time .Thay are running in sli .I am stress testing with Heaven.Now my factory settings are as follows,core 700mhz,shader,1400 ,memory,1800 and voltage is1025mv.When stress testing with Heaven with a core increase of 25mhz or a core increase of 125mhz I get no crashes and no artifacts apart from 1 which is always in the same place and of the same quality and type .As I say I get this 1 artifact even with the smallest core increase or the large core increase ,I am perplexed.Every other benchmark is stable ,I have tyried Crysis and Stalker,C.O.P. with no stability issues .When I stress test without any overclocking the artifact has appeared also.Not always ,but sometimes.This has been the cases with the various overclocks also,sometimes the artifact appears ,sometimes not but always in the same place and of the same type etc.I am at a loss.


Could anyone offer any advice or reasons as to what is happening .Should I just not overclock ,could it be a software thing or something else.Please ,if you can ,shed some light on this rather annoying issue.I know that with 2 gtx 460's running in sli overclocking is kind of not really needed ,it is just I like to do it I find overcclocking fun.Thankyou.


Edited by greybing

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What part of the benchmark does the artifact appear? If it is right after the start of the benchmark then that is a bug just like in 3D06 when the creature jumps over the airship.


The artifact appears in the middle of the Heaven benchamark at the bit with the Dragon statue.There are 2 revolutions of the statue.On the second revolution ,right at the end of the turn ,the artifact appears.Like I say the artifact has apeared at factory settings[i have a palit gtx 460 which comes already overclocked by 25mhz] and it does not appear every time I do a run.Here is one example when I had a core increase to 825mhz.On the first run of Heaven there was no artifact in that place ,then on the second it appeared.,Cheers for you input mate.


Edited by greybing

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