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HAF X optional VGA fan duct testing


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Hey everyone just recieved my new GT 1850's in the mail that I mentioned in my previous post. Ordered 3 of them, 2 for my H70 and 1 for the VGA duct that comes with the HAF X case.

Havent had a lot of luck finding test results on the effects of the duct in relation to the video cards temps. Did my own little testing for anyone interested.


Using a digital thermometer to read the ambient temps, furmark to load the gpu and asus smart doc to read the gpu temps. All temp units are in celcius. The 580's fan was left on auto in smart doc.



Testing without the VGA duct, ambient temp was 24.5 degrees.

Idle for 5 minutes produced 35 degrees.

Loaded up for 15 minutes produced a max temp of 77 degrees.


Testing with the VGA duct and a GT 1850 (120x25mm), ambient temp was 25.5 degrees.

Idle for 5 minutes produced 36 degrees

Loaded up for 15 minutes produced a max temp of 78 degrees.



So from this small testing you can see there is no change in temperature, working off the ambient.

I was hoping too see some better results from all of this. Just guessing here, that it's because I'm using a lower CFM/static pressure fan compared to the recommendations from nvidia (150 cfm and 120x38mm).


Hopefully soon be getting my hands on a Ultra Kaze 2000 rpm fan too do some more testing. Later I'll also test using a second 580 GTX (whenever the price drops), this is where the VGA duct may shine and really show a difference between having it installed and not installed.


Anyway hope this helped anyone questioning the VGA duct included with the HAF X too a degree, I'll update this when I get around to picking up an Ultra Kaze 2k.








After reading my post again just realised my error in the testing, leaving the fan on auto. Bear with me while I re-test... such an idiot, gosh


Heres the new results using 65% fan speed:


Testing without the VGA duct, ambient temp was 26.0 degrees.

Idle for 5 minutes produced 34 degrees.

Loaded up for 15 minutes produced a max temp of 69 degrees.


Testing with the VGA duct and a GT 1850 (120x25mm), ambient temp was 25.8 degrees.

Idle for 5 minutes produced 34 degrees

Loaded up for 15 minutes produced a max temp of 70 degrees.



So even with the fixed fan speed, same temperatures are produced.

Edited by hoody_s13

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