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Looking for a good screensaver


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Hi guys,


I am wondering if any of you could give me some input on good photo screensaver. I have been using the old Google Photo Screensaver (gphotos.scr) because it's portable, simple, dual-monitor capable, and it's got the 'pan-and-zoom' feature that I adore so much. However, this screensaver no longer works in my current PC; it crashes my 64-bit Windows7 too often.


I have had a look at Picasa screensaver, problem with this one is that it doesn't offer feature like how to randomize viewing your photos.


Another alternative that I came across was GPhotoShow Pro, but this is not free. It costs around 14EUR per license.


Windows7 photo screensaver is too simplistic and I would like to avoid it if possible.


Any input is much appreciated here. :thx:

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