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how to boost voltage?


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Well i find myself lost, i just got this comp, i build it myself is not the big thing but well.. i need to oc my micro much as i can.

So without know much about this overclocking thing i start touching inside the bios and modify the time of the ram, to 4-5-5-15. Only with that i started boosting the fsb of my micro.. so from 333 i boost it up to 360 (only 8% of oc) and i cant go higher then that... ok so i will write now the comp i have:


Mother: asus p5kc

Ram: ocz 2gb ddr2 800mhz (Click for more info about the ram)

P.suply: 450w sentey

Micro: E8400, 3ghz core 2 duo.



Ok so i read alot about if i put higher the voltage of the micro i can improve and allowing me to get even higher FSB.. but i also read i may burn it. If thats true i rlly need advices.


The things i still dunno about my bios, i mean the stuffs i dunno for what are for, and dunno how to configure:

Dram Frequency, is set at AUTO (ddr2 721mhz / 865mhz / 903mhz / 959mhz / 1083mhz / 1152mhz / 1201mhz / 1440mhz)


CPU Ratio seting, also on AUTO (i only can set the numbers manually, so obviously i dunno what should i set there..)


CPU GTL Voltage Reference, at AUTO (0.63x / 0.61x / 0.59x / 0.57x)


FSB Start to north bridge, AUTO (200 / 266 / 400)


CPU vid 1.1500v (i supouse this is the voltage of the micro), took the note from everest, on bios is at AUTO.


Theres lots of things i didint write it about the bios, i only took note from the things i THINK have relevance on the matter, but m sure theres lots of other things.. wish i could post an ss from my bios..


Ok so thats it, if can help me to learn, and know more about my own comp i would be so happy :) .


Thanks and if need any other specific info about my bios lemme know and i will look into it.


(srry for my bad english <.< )

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"The 800 MHz PC-6400 DDR2 runs at 5-6-6 timings"



i would set your memory back to default timings before attempting to overclock your processor. the best thing to do is to overclock one thing at a time. when you raise your fsb you're overclocking your processor and your memory at the same time. so as you increase your fsb you should adjust your memory divider to keep it as close to stock at possible (error on the low side rather than the high side.)


now your cpu ratio is the your multiplier. so a setting of 9 here and a setting of 333 on your fsb would give you a 2997 mhz clock speed on your processor.


cpu vid is the voltage adjustment for your processor


i'm assuming by fsb start you mean fsb strap. in the past this used to determine your trd or common performance level as its called by asus. i believe in most cases with the latest bios you can adjust the trd independently, however this may not be true in your case. it also controls what memory dividers are available to you.


cpu GTLREF is pretty tricky to explain. this was taken from Tom's Hardware


"CPU/NB GTL Voltage Reference: CPU: Auto, 0.63x, 0.61x, 0.59x, and 0.57x. NB: Auto, 0.67x, and 0.61x. CPU Gunning Transceiver Logic (GTL) voltages are nothing more than reference levels that the CPU uses when determining if a data or address signal is either high (1) or low (0). Precision voltage dividers generate these voltages and are usually specified as a percentage of VTT. In the case of 0.67, this would be 67% of VTT. For example, if VTT is 1.20v then a CPU GTL Voltage Reference of 0.67x would result in a GTLREF value of 0.67 x 1.20V = ~0.80V.


These reference values are particularly important when overclocking quad-core CPUs, especially when venturing above about 450FSB. The ability to tune these values per die can mean the difference between 475FSB and 500FSB. Unfortunately, ASUS' implementation of this functionality is rather incomplete as manipulation of only a single GTLREF value is possible (and in a somewhat imprecise manner). The real power in GTLREF tuning comes in the ability to provide each quad-core die with separate reference values. (Recall that current quad-cores are an MCM consisting of two dual-core dies on a single package.)"

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Ok i read one and over again.. trying to understund as i'm not very get used to all this terms.

The Fsb strap of the north bridge i let it on AUTO then.

Anyway so what i should do is only set the cpu ratio seting to 9 right? and set back the ram timing to default and the fsb to 333, and then i will have better perfomance.

Well i will try it out, and i will save what u wrote here for life, despite the fact i cant understund very well atm.. still u xplain it nice, so thanks again and well ill go streight to my bios now ^^ .



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Well.. better let it on 9 then on auto i supouse ? since alot of time i'm trying to learn all this.. why is so hard ? maye i'm to stupid for learn it.

Anyway i rlly didint know the importance of the processor clock speed (which atm everest show it at 2.160.0mhz) set it back to 2999 will help me alot.


I will check again this thread if you think i should modify something else for make it better, pls let me know.


Thanks again.

Edited by Gatsu

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i would try to get your fsb to 400, and then raise your multiplier until you lose stability.


400? i was having troubles geting further of 380, but of course i had the prev conf, i will try with the conf u told me to do.

The cpu clock is now on 3000+, shows 2000+ wen m doing nothing, wen i start some game goes to 3000 so gues its cool.


Ok ill go back to the bios and try to raise it up as u told me so, i will let u know how it goes once i finish.



forgot to ask, the multiplier wen i have to raise it up, i most do it by 1 or.. ?



Big thanks for the help.



Ok so, i try it out to 400, worked good.. so after 4 min i went back to bios and boost it to 420, unfortunally wen i start it an game for test it the comp restart it.... so i went back to 400 and seems works nice so far.

ill w8 for ur answer about the multiplier, i wanna know if i go 1 by 1, or more.. not sure rlly about it.


Thanks again.

Edited by Gatsu

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ahh thats intel speedstep where it lowers your multiplier when your cpu is idle. there is an option in the bios somewhere to turn this off.



i would raise the multi in .5 increments.

Edited by battery

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ahh thats intel speedstep where it lowers your multiplier when your cpu is idle. there is an option in the bios somewhere to turn this off.

How can i look for it ? what name does this thing normaly have?


i would raise the multi in .5 increments.


Got it, thanks.


ill w8 lil bit before go bios again, see if can tell me more about that option u told me to turn it off.

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it should be called intel speed step in the bios, you may also need to disable C1E to make it work. which isn't necessarily a bad idea anyway. there was a known bug awhile back about this.

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