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Cpu Cooler Temp Brag


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Hey all just picked up a Zalman 9700 off a friend and thought I'd try it out in my old gaming rig. Very impressed with the results coming from the standard intel cooler to the Zalman on my E6850 at stock 3.0ghz.

Unfortunately I didnt get a screenshot of the Prime95 test before, but after 20 minutes of running, the temp on 100% load was sitting around 68-69 degrees on both cores with the case shut. Idle temps sat around 44-45


Attached the screeny of the prime95 test with temps, and photo of the install. This might be nothing, I'm just excited about the temp difference, plus 4 years ago when I built this didnt bother with a cooler since I've never overclocked and never thought I would.

After 35 minutes in prime95, sits around 50-51 degrees with a max high of 52. With the side off it was around 47-48. Idle temps are now 38-40.


So now the question is, how high can i safely and comfortably clock this core 2 duo???





Edited by hoody_s13

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