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Searching similar to Game Prelauncher


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Hi everyone.


I discovered this fun program few days ago.

Its not freeware but I could not find something similar. Maybe you can help.

So this app can:

Turn off all autoload programs (from all reg keys and startup folders) and services except critical (92% on Win7), turn off the Shell (Explorer), registered dlls, sound themes, even drivers and probably other stuff with single click. Then restart - and here we have Clean Windows game mode.


More ram, free processor.

I got some fps icrease with it (in ffxii emulator in some places + 11!! COD BOps MP- +8!).


So now I'm searching something similar to Game Prelauncher but free - it will be great!

Booster is fake, Amd Fusion does not disable so much.

If you know something similar please say it.

Programs, maybe scripts etc.

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OK I will try to specify requirements.


So that Game Prelauncher can create clean Windows mode, disabling most objects.

There are no tray, no clock, no wallpaper, no start button - all stuff disabled for gaming session only and only one game running.

Most services disabled (on Win 7 only 9 works from 68 - if I also disable network in GPrelauncher profile ), all autorun disabled, Explorer, registered dlls, sound themes and other disabled .

This stuff do not use CPU and harddrive and memory, so frame rate will be increased like in my case on +11 per second.

Like that. For my PC with GF 7900GS its cool result.


Any optimizers that I found can not do it - Game Booster, Game Boost, Fusion. Some of them like Booster is just fake by tests.


Scripts or programs


This is an overclockers forum, and I'm surprised why r u do not know anything about such kind of scripts or programs.

Edited by Gentoo

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This is an overclockers forum, and I'm surprised why r u do not know anything about such kind of scripts or programs.


Because most of our systems dont need boosts to run game satisfactorily. Thats why we overclock. What are your specs and what game are you running that you need these 'boosters'? Shutting off windows processes can be dangerous as your system could become unstable.

Btw, why look for a program? Just go to task manager and end all processes except your game. Though........ how do you intend to get them back? As with all those processes turned off you cant even get it shut down properly.

My advice would be, if you are having that much trouble running games;


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Don't listen to SpeedCrazy, he has no idea what he's talking about.


Google AlacrityPC. Sorry, I'm on my iPad, otherwise I'd provide more details.


I had to use it for a few games that didn't play well with my tablet - I used it to disable my tablet processes while in said games.

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Don't listen to SpeedCrazy, he has no idea what he's talking about.

Right on the money. From what i know what i said makes sense, but i haven't a clue about this subject.

But i am interested to know, if it shuts off all extra processes, and i assume that includes the program itself, how do you turn everything back on afterwards?

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You create a profile for a specific game. You can customize what it shuts down or starts up (the latter is useful if you were running two programs at once...let's say you wanted to launch fraps alongside your game, or in one of my cases, when I launched Far Cry 2, I set it so the FoV hack launches as well, which makes it true widescreen). After you're done creating your profile, you can create a shortcut to it, or just go through the AlacrityPC interface. You run it, and it's like launching the game, except this time, a command prompt opens, and you watch AlacrityPC do its magic, shutting down processes, freeing up memory, and then launching the game. The command prompt (AlacrityPC) stays open in the background while the game is running. When you exit the game, AlacrityPC detects that, and then starts everything up again (assuming you have it set that way - again, it's all fully customizable)


If you're running a multi-core system, you can even state what cores you want the game to use.


It's a rather robust program and definitely has its uses.


IIRC, I needed it for Assassin's Creed and Bioshock because my tablet processes caused problems with those games. And, as I mentioned above, I used it for FC2 so the FoV hack would launch without me having to remember.

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