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Help on Overclocking Core i7-950


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I have just followed this link http://vip.asus.com/forum/view.aspx?board_id=1&model=P6T+Deluxe&id=20081220191040237&page=1&SLanguage=en-us for overclocking core i7 to 3.6 GHZ and i got the same result i got from Gigabyte Smart Utility except with lower CPU voltage 1.168 and memory is set to 1500 MHZ (Memory Multiplier 10 x 150 Bclk)=1500 MHZ i may overclock RAM it later any way Prime95 was running for 2 hours without any errors and temp never exceeed 62 C


Overclocking results:



After 5 minutes full load on Prim95 i can see that CPU Voltage is down to 1.152 V




temperatures at load:




Here are my Bios settings (there is weird thing here i set CPU Vcore to 1.21875 v and in CPUz it shows 1.168 V i don't know how or why?) Please post ur suggestions



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