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Overclocking E8500 on Asus P5Q with Kingston 2x2GB 1066MHz CL5


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What's the max frequency I should have for the RAM? My point is just, when increasing FSB, (to OC CPU), the Frequency for the RAM increase as well, and at some point you gotta choose a lower frequency, but not too low I found out, else I got OC error and had to put the frequency up again (to 1090MHz)


Currently Blend testing in Prime95 at 3457MHz with a max temp of 49

I tried to feel the RAM with my fingers and it feels really hot, ofc I haven't felt them at stock settings so I don't know about that..

EDIT: Computer froze during Blend Prime95 so I set DRAM to auto and it seems cooler and more stable now


EDIT2: Using Auto DRAM frequency seems like a really good idea, the DIMMs are cold and I am currently doing 3.5GHz at 50*C, this seems like a much more stable way to OC, instead of firing up the DRAM freq. to 1066MHz etc. when you can have them running at 760MHz (using Auto) with the CPU at 3.5GHz np

I also noticed, the higher the DRAM frequency, the hotter the DIMMs get.. that'll just be extra heat transfered to the CPU, no need for that, or have I completelty misunderstood something?


Also, on Kingston's homepage they say 2.2V for the DRAM voltage, as well as where I bought them, but on the DIMMs it says 2.3V

What to go with?


Also: Where can I find out what to put SB and NB voltages to? and how do I know what vCore I need to put?


Finally: Should I OC untill I get a max temp of 60? (I think Crazy_Nate suggested that threshold)


PS. I still can't find memory multiplier in BIOS, looked through everything (auto DRAM frequency sets it to 1:1 though, but with manual it goes 2:3 (or 3:2 can't remember))



got IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL when trying 3.7GHz (389FSB 9.5 multiplier)

DRAM frequency set to auto (I think it put freq. to 783MHz)

DRAM voltage: 2.2V

Timings: 5-5-5-15

PCI-E Frequency: 105

vCore: 1.4v

PLL voltage: 1.5v

FSB termination voltage: 1.3v

Load Line calibration: Enabled

Spectrums, EIST, C1e and C3-6: Disabled


The DIMMs felt hot, but once again, I haven't felt them at stock, so I don't know how hot they can be, but you don't wanna touch it for more than 3 seconds

Any suggestions? :(


Update 2:

Stable at 3647MHz (384 FSB 9.5 multiplier)

Auto DRAM Frequency -> 768MHz

otherwise same settings as above

max temp = 50*C during 30 min Prime95 Blend test


Hmm... stable... uhm when I went Start -> Restart, I got black screen (monitor went sleep mode / computer not turned on mode/ etc.)

Also got "Overclocking failed - Please fix in BIOS setup" message from American Megatrends when I started computer again :S




Is overclocking idiot-proof? I mean, I've been fiddling with voltages, bus speeds and frequencies for a couple of hours now (since 3.7GHz crash, trying to make it stable at 3.65GHz), and it's been resulting in freezes, BSODs, crashes.... yet I can still keep going, like try again with new settings... at the first crash, I swear my heart didn't beat, I thought i just blew some hardware lol O_o


Update 3:


*calms down again*

Turns out it's a bad idea to have the DRAM frequency too low, following setup passed 30 min prime95 Blend test:

Multiplier: 9.5

FSB Frequency: 385

PCIE Frequency: 105

DRAM Frequency: DDR2-925MHz

Timings: 5-5-5-15

CPU Voltage: 1.25

CPU PLL Voltage: 1.5

FSB Termination Voltage: 1.3

DRAM Voltage: 2.2

Load-Line Calibration: Enabled

Spectrums, EIST, C1E and C3-6: Disabled

Rest on Auto


(Just writing it here so I have a stable setup to go back to in case I fail again :))

Edited by Brutality

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This is as far as it will go:

3942.5MHz - Max temp: 51*C through 10 hours hours Prime95 Blend 2x Torture

Multiplier: 9.5

FSB Frequency: 415

PCIE Frequency: 105

DRAM Frequency: DDR2-1041MHz

Timings: 5-5-5-15

CPU Voltage: 1.35

CPU PLL Voltage: 1.5

FSB Termination Voltage: 1.3

DRAM Voltage: 2.2

Load-Line Calibration: Enabled

Spectrums, EIST, C1E and C3-6: Disabled

Rest on Auto


I've tried with 1.4v vCore, even if I just try FSB Frequency = 416, after a Prime95 run, when I restart computer, the monitor successfuly shuts down, but the computer doesn't. i.e. black screen (= monitor sleep mode / pc not connected mode), turning the computer off and then on again results in "Overclocking Failed" message by American Megatrends

EDIT: The same happened after restarting with above "stable setup"

Any suggestions?


How about OC'ing the graphics card? (see sig), I don't have any special cooler for that though, I'm just asking if it's possible or stupid to do. Probably stupid question but, OC'ing the RAM? or am I doing that when I'm changing the DRAM Frequency?


Many thanks in advance - Brutality

Edited by Brutality

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