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Memeory Issues when OC'd


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Thank you everyone for your very informative descriptions.


I seem to of gotten everything working correctly for the most parts. The odd time my system reverts back to 4gb and I have to smack it into seeing the 6gb. My DRAM bus voltage is currently at 1.65V by the way.

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The CPU multiplier does not matter. It comes down to raw clock speed. To get higher performance you increase the bclock and lower the multi. 200x20 will put his memory right at 1600 with the optimal ratio. It looks like he has his memory set to auto and will need to manually set them for which you have provided a comprehensive answer



The multi does indeed matter. i7's overclock better with odd multi's. MOST and I say MOST 930's overclock better with 21 multi and 950's with 23 multi. With these multi's, ram speed stays in low 1600's with proper divider..

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