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Ridiculous phenom 965 situation


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I have to agree with MrAlex, I would RMA the CPU if possible.


Also pull the motherboard out of the case. If you do happen to have a blown capacitor you will see it.

Scorch marks on the front or back of the board. Or the fact that when you blow a capacitor usually one of the capacitors are opened up with crap leaking out of it.

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These guys have no clue what they are talking about......Blown capacitors. RMA the motherboard. Do not use the motherboard. It will not get the proper power to the harware and you can F%^K somehting else up.


You really need to work on your forum etiquette, IMO

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Guest clarknick67

sounds like you have a short some where, i agree with the other guys, it was probably the water let behind. RMA the proccessor, while your waiting maybe the water that was left will dry, if that is what is shorting.

Agree with u.

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