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What Muse, Keyboard and Mousepad


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Well, now that my new gaming PC is coming soon, I'm going to need some good peripherals for it, right? I don't know what to get for a mouse pad, so I'm open to suggestions for that. For a keyboard, I am considering the Logitech G110 , but I'm not sure about it. As for the mouse, I'm almost 100% sure I'm going to get the SteelSeries Ikari, unless someone convinces me otherwise.


so... Any suggestions?


BTW, in the title, it's supposed to be "Mouse" not "Muse"

Edited by IAmGundam

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I prefer Logitech for peripherals myself and was until just a week ago using a 2 year old G11 keyboard. My best advice is to go down to a local electronics store and try out a few if you can then find it cheaper online if you don't mind the wait. Currently I am stuck using a beige monster KB from a Compaq while I wait for my Gigabyte GK-K6800 to show up. I chose this keyboard for 2 reasons, it was black and had a wheel for volume control. Again try some out before settling on a particular model or brand. Maybe you have a friend or co-worker with a good keyboard you can try. My brother uses a pretty simple KB himself, which came with a friends Alienware machine and looks remarkably like this http://www.petrastechshop.com/loinprokebl.html. I found that extra buttons on keyboards don't always go over too well in the heat of battle, but to each his own.


As for a mouse I use a G5 currently and I also recommend the G9. I can also recommend Microsoft mice because I have a few that are quite comfortable and function well. Another thing to think about, as well as something else I am waiting to receive in the mail, is a gamepad. I ordered a Logitech G13 because it looked comfortable and the brand was right of course. There are a few other options out there, but none seem to fit my needs so I passed on them. I won't say that one is a necessity for gaming (I have no idea if I will even like mine) its merely just a thought. A last thought would be to buy wired peripherals for reliability and that my past experience with wireless mice and keyboards has been abysmal. Good luck in your search!



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The Cooler Master Inferno looks pretty nice, I'll check it out.


I'll look into some Logitech stuff.


As a side note, I use both a wireless mouse and keyboard right now, and they both perform flawlessly. Made by Logitech

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Guest wanrom

Logitech G110 is always better for keyboard but sometimes i found the problem of power.I do not know why it is happening like that because these are very trust able keyboard. and as far as mice is concerned that is the best choice what you have already do.

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