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Computer wont boot... Please help

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Hey Guys!


Just bought a new hard drive for my friends comp and installed win xp pro on it. Everything was going great all windows updates were installed. Then the comp decided not to boot up when I was about to give it to him. :banghead::banghead::banghead:


Could not figure out why it was not booting so decide to clear the CMOS. Tried to do a full system restore and now it won't pass the first step...l_79a6d351c7a548c48cee0554526639a9.jpg

Can anyone help me?


Mobo: MSI 7211 http://www.msi.com/index.php?func=downloaddetail&type=bios&maincat_no=1&prod_no=234

HDD: Western Digital Caviar Blue WD5000AAKS 500GB




EDIT: I update the bios using MSI uploader and don't know if that has anything to do with it. I included pic of the bios...

Will try using the memtest and a different win cd.... Thanks


Edit 2: Can't seem to find v.4 bios on the website... can any one please point me to a trust worthy site?

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