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Problem with core speed - E8500

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Ok so i'm having a problem with my recently purchased E8500.

My PC is entirely unable to boot if the core speed is anything above 2000mz, restarting within 10 seconds or so of any changed options.

This is with all voltage related bios options set on 'Normal'.

I CAN set the multiplier to the stock 9.5 and the bus to the standard 333 to achieve 3.16 BUT only if speedstep is turned on.

The problem here is that speedstep will lock my multiplier at 6 - 2000mz anyway, even under stress.


It would appear (to me) as if simply not enough voltage is reaching the CPU, ive messed around a little taking it from its normal voltage 1.275, up to as high as 1.350


So my CPU seems to be in a perminant state of underclockage :P

I'm hoping its not a hardware problem, before I bought my e8500 a month or so ago, I had my e5200 from 2.5 up to around 3.2 without any hiccups for quite some time.

So I think my motherboard (Gigabyte G31M-ES2L) is up to the task.


Sorry if none of this makes any sense, I'm not an overclocking pro, and ive been unable to find any helpful threads via google.


I'll go into more detail if required, I'm kinda just hoping theres a small option ive missed or something.

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Ok so using easytune6 to adjust the core speed from within windows, ive learnt that I can't take the Bus speed over so much as 340 without freezes and restarts almost instantly after applying the increased settings.

So essentially anything over x6.0/333 (From stock x9.5/333) will result in severe unstability. Basically my computer won't last more then a few seconds if clocked over 2.050mhz (or thereabouts).


EIST/C1E must be turned on or else my pc won't even get past the bios screen.


I have tried upping the cpu voltage from 1.275 to around 1.35 but I still cannot take the core speed over so much as 2050mhz.

One thing I will try tomorrow, is swapping to a different stick of ram (I have a couple lying around somewhere).

It's past midnight where I am right now so I don't really have the time for this now.


Also I'll try underclocking and reducing voltage to my gts250 and ram and seeing if that allows for higher core speeds.


Is there a possiblitity that my PSU is faulty and not delivering the voltage my PC says it is?

Although with this same PSU I had my e5200 (2.5) OC'd to a decent 3.2.

It's a fairly new powersupply, 720w I believe.


Edit: Does anything in this look unusual? Thats basically what it says about the voltage in the bios too.


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We need to know the exact hardware specs of your machine. We know the motherboard and cpu, but also need to know memory brand, size and speed. If you'll just enter in the memory's part number I can take it from there.


Assuming that your cpu, motherboard and memory are in proper working order this is just a matter of getting your bios settings right.


Your motherboard defaults vdimm to 1.8V and depending on your memory you might need to adjust vdimm to 1.9 - 2.1v right off the bat to even start getting anywhere.


I also still need to see screen shots of cpuz memory and spd tabs.

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Hello again,

I've already posted my memory and spd tabs from CPU-Z, they are in my 2nd post on the first page.

My Ram is just 1x 2gb DDR2 800mhz Patriot.


Edit: Upon reading reviews of A-Power PSU's, I've learnt that their PSU's are generic rubbish, as luck would have it, I was already heading over MSY today, a local computer parts warehouse. I'll have a look at picking up a new PSU, regardless of it being the reason behind this.

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I'm happy to say that i've managed to fix the problem!

Noticing that the vast majority of the restarts happened while I was in the bios, I suspected something may have corrupted, despite myself flashing the bios only 2 days ago, and that essentially ANY change, so much as the boot order was causing restarts.


I decided to a hard reset of my motherboard (Taking the battery out for 15+ minutes) and a very thorough clean of my motherboard and one or the other seems to have fixed the problem entirely :D


So thanks for all the help you guys provided me :)

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