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Fine Tuning

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Ok, so after all day looking to overclock my CPU (Pentium4 @1.8Ghz) I found a utility that supports it I heard my mobo supports up to 2.1 but the tool says I need to fine tune. So I get a screen with all sorts of numbers. overclocking.bmpWhat do I do next to achieve 2.1Ghz and can you tell me why I have it set like that.

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I don't know what kind of crazy utility u found but the way to overclock your CPU is by raising the FSB. That then multiplied by the multiplier will give you your speed. If the program shows correctly your FSB is 100 meaning your multiplier is x18 tho you don't need that. All you gotta do is find a way to increase your fsb little by little which will increase your CPU Ghz. How to increase the FSB? I've got no idea using your program. Mondern systems simply have FSB in the BIOS which you can just change from 100 to whatever you want...with in reasonable boundaries of course. Which leads me to my next point. I don't exactly know your mobo model but it shouldn't matter so what I will suggest is that you try using the BIOS to overclock. I also don't know your overclocking experience so just to be sure: you access your computer's BIOS by restarting the PC, and when you see the first black screen you start pressing the "DEL" or Delete key repeatedly until it let's you in. Then you should get to know the BIOS and look for what you'll need to overclock. Best thing to do if you can't figure it out is to take photos of the different windows in the BIOS with a camera since that is the only way, and post em here so we can help you make sense of it all.

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