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Help me OC Amd PII x4 965be 3.4 on Asus M4n98td Evo board

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Just out of curiosity I have the same mobo but I have the Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition 3.2GHz Would I would do the steps the same for this mobo. Never Really got into over-clocking and I wanna see what this mobo can do.

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Ok I actually have this mobo as well and the same processor. You cannot use AMD Overdrive. It is only for boards with a 790fx.

Here is what i have going on right now. I use the Bios for my OC.From what I understand these chips love cold and low voltage.

I noticed some of the people telling you what to do are not telling you some important things. Also some are telling you steppings that this board doesnt have.


I have my system running at 3884mhz STABLE on Stock Cooler.


FSB - 210

Multiplier - X18.5

RAM profile 1600

HT Link - 2310

NB/CPU - 2310

Pretty Sure My voltage is either 1.425 or 1.45

My RAM is made for intels so itll be lower voltage than yours. (My goal was to break 2000mhz) So I got intel RAM that runs lower to start off.

RAM is running at 1400 right now on 1.66 volts.


I think I left everything else on AUTO so far.


Make sure cool n quiet is disabled or you'll get low speed without a load..

Get CPU-Z (checking values in Windows) and PC Wizard(Temps and A lot more).

Also disable your fan control which is Q-Fan and use Speedfan.

All programs are free.


What you should do is start by looking up the specs for you RAM. Write them down.

Then up your RAM profile to 1600 in the bios. Set the voltage to what GSKill tells you to use for 1600 or as close as you can as mine is supposed to run at 1.65. but the mobo goes in .02 increments.

If you can boot to windows and it doesnt freeze or blue screen you then Shut Down.

Go back into bios and only up your multiplier by .5and change your CPU voltage to 1.4250 and reboot. Keep going until you wont boot anymore. Then go back and step it back down 1 notch. Thats approximately your max speed. I cannot stay stable at 3900 yet but im working some of the kinks out.

OK now you can move your HT Link and CPU/NB up till it wont boot and then step it back 1 notch. I keep my CPU/NB and HT Link at the same speed. I dont know what the proper HT voltage is so i havent tried to get mine up past 2400 when overclocking. Im sure you can get it and ill let you know when i figure that out.

Now weve got the CPU, RAM, and HT set to work better.Still not quite there yet.

I then went back in and tried upping the FSB because at this point it was between 3.8 and 3.9 where i was getting something wrong.

I upped the FSB 10 points to 210 and reset the HT and CPU/NB to 2310.

This game me the 3884 @ 1.4250, RAM 1400 at 1.65v, HT at 2310.


This should provide a stable overclock for you. I think it will go higher.

Most instability is either from voltage problems or setting something wrong. This mobo is great for overclocking but because its new its hard to get help on it.

I hope I did a good job explaining this. The process is new to me as my old board had like 6 sdetting and this one has at least 20 not including the RAM.



HT is too high. 2000MHz is all you need. Too high Hypertransport will give instability and it does not really increase performance. Do not start with ram at 1600MHz. Take the potential instability out and run it at 1333MHz. Once the decent overclock is achieved, then try to increase memory frequencies. You also made no mention of NB or CPU NB Volatges. If one desires a great overclock, NB frequencies need to be increased. 2600MHz is a nice sweet spot for these CPU's but you will need 1.3v on NB. If you want to get to 4Ghz, you will need 1.5+ volts(maybe 1.55V) on CPU and 1.3-1.35 on CPU/NB voltage. I achieved 4.14Ghz stable 24/7 on a C3 revision 965. I got 3.8Ghz on stock voltage without hardly any adjustments. None the less, here is the 4.14Ghz OC...




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