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cant get past 2.98 ghz with x4 620

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ok i'm a noob at this so be as harsh as possible .


i want to know how to get my rig over that magical 3.0ghz mark as i've done it before with my old mobo(m2n32 sli deluxe ) but i get crashes and BSOD's when attempting to go over 2.98 ghz .i'm overclocking without pushing up the volts (as i dont know all that much about messing with voltage ,and as useful as the tutorials are, i dont trust myself ) my specs are as follows


amd x 4 620 (currently running at 2.98 ghz ) 229 x 13

kingston hyper x memory ddr2 800 (4 gigs )

asus m4n 78 pro motherboard


any help would be appreciated and if you need more info ...just shout

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