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Stoopid RAM questions

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If you want a very technical article explaining timings and clock speeds, here is one from Anandtech.com, a go-to source for me usually. Its pretty techy until the last page, when he starts talking to you like you're in 2nd grade for the 5th time because you kept failing lunch, but its still a very helpful article and I reference it every time I forget whats what.


thats perfect, that will probably answer almost any question i have with RAMS. if you know of and other sites like that for any other component please post them man. i ended up printing out everything all the info from that site. thanks for the link

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Anandtech.com has great technical articles sometimes, and I mean GREAT. If you are done digesting that first article, heres another one on RAM for you to check out thats even more technical. Its got to do with probably THE biggest impacting memory timing I've ever modified, but is seven pages of pretty low level stuff.


As far as where to find this info on your own, I've only ever really used this site and yahoo! search to find anything I ever needed to know... Anandtech is awesome, Tomshardware I think is still awesome, and manufacturer website forums are great as well. The best place though is OCC, so stick around and gain some of our (very low amounts of) wisdom :D

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