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Overclocked my Q8400 (possiblity to be a big read)


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So , i got bored and have spent the last 3-5 hours trying to push my clock up , just for fun.


The Tools...




Intel Burn Test

My Rig...


Tempest NZXT case

Q8400 2.66Ghz


3x1GB G.skill 800Mhz

4870 1GB

750w Themaltake Evo Blue


The Goal...


Reach the highest most stable clock on air.



So i started this off going from my previous overclock of 3.2Ghz since i knew that was solid as a rock. I had to look up a few things again because it has slipped my mind since the last time i clocked was about 4-6 months ago, i still have not learned everything id like to know so im still kinda wandering in the dark hoping i dont break something.

After spending about 20 minutes refreshing my mind of all the basics i was ready to go...


i fire up and go into my Bios , disable the password and move into the area where the magic happens.



(Note: only as a display)


I instantly decide to just try raising the FSB by 5Mhz.


IntelBurnTest v2.4
Created by AgentGOD

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU	Q8400  @ 2.66GHz
Clock Speed: 3.25 GHz
Active Physical Cores: 4
Total System Memory: 3071 MB

Stress Level: Standard (1024 MB)
Testing started on 24/04/2010 12:05:50 a.m.
Time (s)		Speed (GFlops)		Result
[00:06:22] 24.840	35.9859			3.068952e-002
[00:06:53] 24.733	36.1415			3.068952e-002
[00:07:24] 24.588	36.3538			3.068952e-002
[00:07:55] 24.514	36.4639			3.068952e-002
[00:08:26] 24.455	36.5517			3.068952e-002
[00:08:57] 24.409	36.6213			3.068952e-002
[00:09:28] 24.435	36.5824			3.068952e-002
[00:09:59] 24.687	36.2086			3.068952e-002
Testing ended on 24/04/2010 12:09:59 a.m.
Test Result: Success.



It Passed the quick test i preformed , im already getting excited about this mission already.

So i quickly Reboot and Raise the FSB by another 5Mhz

This quickly fails and i was forced to raise the voltage some more

At this point here i look at this GLT Reference and i was reading how it gives people with Quad cores abit more Omphh in there overclocking endeavors.

I have no idea what it does or what i should set it too , so i take it off auto and put it on the number below auto what happens to be



The others below this where



0.61x (i cant remember this last one perfectly, i should of wrote these down.)


IntelBurnTest v2.4
Created by AgentGOD

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU	Q8400  @ 2.66GHz
Clock Speed: 3.29 GHz
Active Physical Cores: 4
Total System Memory: 3071 MB

Stress Level: Standard (1024 MB)
Testing started on 24/04/2010 12:29:31 a.m.
Time (s)		Speed (GFlops)		Result
[00:30:04] 26.322	33.9599			3.068952e-002
[00:30:37] 26.148	34.1852			3.068952e-002
[00:31:10] 26.186	34.1357			3.068952e-002
[00:31:42] 25.905	34.5069			3.068952e-002
[00:32:14] 25.748	34.7166			3.068952e-002
[00:32:47] 25.855	34.5735			3.068952e-002
[00:33:19] 25.760	34.7006			3.068952e-002
[00:33:51] 25.851	34.5777			3.068952e-002
Testing ended on 24/04/2010 12:33:51 a.m.
Test Result: Success.



Sweet , Temps are still maxing at about 55-60 thats still cool , got heaps of room there.

after trying a couple more raises and a couple of crashes and bluescreens i stumble apon a odd trend of every 10Mhz i must raise my Vcore by x.x1875

At this point i realise that the VTT (Volt Termination) causes my Bios to somewhat Crash making the only option to reboot/shutdown.

(need help on this)


IntelBurnTest v2.4
Created by AgentGOD

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU	Q8400  @ 2.66GHz
Clock Speed: 3.36 GHz
Active Physical Cores: 4
Total System Memory: 3071 MB

Stress Level: Standard (1024 MB)
Testing started on 24/04/2010 12:42:05 a.m.
Time (s)		Speed (GFlops)		Result
[00:42:36] 24.210	36.9216			3.068952e-002
[00:43:07] 24.494	36.4942			3.068952e-002
[00:43:37] 24.085	37.1131			3.068952e-002
[00:44:08] 24.036	37.1894			3.068952e-002
[00:44:38] 24.181	36.9656			3.068952e-002
[00:45:08] 24.009	37.2307			3.068952e-002
[00:45:39] 24.132	37.0412			3.068952e-002
[00:46:09] 23.992	37.2573			3.068952e-002
Testing ended on 24/04/2010 12:46:09 a.m.
Test Result: Success.



Everything seems to be working out just fine with my Meathod upto this point where my testing starts to get alittle funky, I try for 425Mhz on the bus. (1.40000v)

looking good so far , windows loads up without a hitch , i open up my txt doc so i can type more of my log out and i get a Bluescreen, a little confused as to why i got a Bluescreen i restarted and found on the last visit to Bios while disabling a Auto downclock setting i disabled somthing called TM2 , Save, back onto windows , this time without the Bluescreen , i start up the monitering programs along with IBT .

2 passes then it fails.


at this point im not sure what to do , do i push my Vcore higher , or try with some other settings in hopes for that stability for a extra 5Mhz.

And here i am now posting all this for you fellow OCC'ers and anyone else willing to read all this.



Thanks for reading , i might be posting pictures and screenshots and more info if im able to clock higher


To Be Continued...

Edited by KK_

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