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System Issue Need help

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After reading some posts and have a look around I have come to the conclusion you lot seem to know your stuff so here goes,


I am looking for a stable system on stock clock speeds and voltages for the following hardware as well as solving a problem.


Prime95 keeps this error out within a matter of seconds of running which leads me to believe something is a foot somewhere.


FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4


This is another forum post I made else where which was related to a GFX problem which I now think is all related to each other.


I am at my wits end with this problem.


The problem I got is this "Display driver stopped responding and has stopped and recovered" AKA TDR error which I know is a common issue with hundreds of solutions.


It all starts about 30 seconds into the full screen app/game and then the black screens and driver restarts occur some times with major gfx corruption which goes away after a restart.


System specifications


Motherboard Asus M4N83 Deluxe (not Overclocked)

CPU AMD Phenom X4 940 @ 3.0ghz vcore 1.328 HT link 1800mhz bus 200mhz

Ram Twin2X4096-8500C5 4gb @ 533mhz dual channel ungauged.

GFX Card BFG NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT OC 512MB PCIe 2.0 (Factory overclock only)

PSU OCZ StealthXtream 600w

OS Windows 7 Pro


Things I have done;


Tested memory for 24 hours straight not a problem found on either stick.

Drivers have rolled backwards and forwards using any driver I could find same problem.

Reinstalled windows twice same problem.

Checked http://www.nvlddmkm.com/ and used there suggestions no result.

Check power requirements with the manufacturer of my PSU they say there is enough power for everything.

Nvidia was asked but there have not got back to me and I doubt they will, check there forums seems mostly 8800/9800 gpu's are at fault as well as factory over clocked cards.

system temperatures are low and not a problem again having been fully monitored.


The strange thing is if I use windows XP I have no problems at all, no BSODs no crashes no nothing it just works as it's suppose to which is why this is driving me nuts. The other odd thing is I can use the computer just fine at the desktop but as soon as I launch a full screen game/app it goes down the pan fast.


I hope there is a problem with the card then I know what the problem is but I can not see it as it work in windows XP


Now I am already to send the gfx card back via RMA today as that is what I thought the issue was, but since running prime95 I sense the cpu is at fault or is not configured properly somewhere.


My specs are above along with current settings for the cpu.


All I ask is what should they be for this hardware at stock speeds along with any other tips you may have in solving this issues.


Many thanks



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I've had issues with BFG's over clocked cards not being stable at the factory OC. I drop the OC down a notch and they run fine... which could account for the issues with games and the driver not responding issue.


For the error with prime95 I wouuld suspect ram though someone with more experience with AMD's might have a better answer :)

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I've had issues with BFG's over clocked cards not being stable at the factory OC. I drop the OC down a notch and they run fine... which could account for the issues with games and the driver not responding issue.


For the error with prime95 I wouuld suspect ram though someone with more experience with AMD's might have a better answer :)


Yeah tried dropping the factory OC no change. The ram was tested for 24 hours (12 hours per stick) no problems found although now looking at cpu-z the memory is saying it's 6400 not 8500 as it should be whats the deal with that.

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