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Noctua NH-14D vs Corsair H50 in high (tropical) ambient temperatures


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That is true. and a pair of large fans will likely draw less then half of the pump I have. I'm not going to put the numbers too it though. lol.


looked it up for myself.... as usual... I found that my swiftech pump draws @ 12 volts 24 watts or 2 amps

whats disturbing is the one 140 mm fan on the end of your cooler only @12 volts draws 1.20 watts or 0.10 amps.... OUCH.


Maybe considering the power cost is enough. Noctua FTW.


Wow - I hadn't even considered the power draw of water cooling equipment - 24 watts is "significant" - that would be roughly 0.6KWh / 24hours = roughly 600 watts a day, or US$0.30 cents a day (In Barbados), or around $100/year.


The Noctua will pay for itself ;-)




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Wow - I hadn't even considered the power draw of water cooling equipment - 24 watts is "significant" - that would be roughly 0.6KWh / 24hours = roughly 600 watts a day, or US$0.30 cents a day (In Barbados), or around $100/year.


The Noctua will pay for itself ;-)





FWIW I have 2 H-50s and I'm sure they use slightly more power then a straight air system but nowhere near what a swiftech setup would draw. The H-50s also leave much more room in the case for other stuff. Good luck and let us know what you choose and how it cools.


Now that I think of it you could just use sit the unit on your window sill and let the trade winds cool it. :rolleyes:

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the h50's also aren't even comparable in a water system to a true swiftech system


h50 will NEVER reach the cooling power of a regular system.


ive had this water setup through the mid 90's with nearly 100% humidity, with and without a/c

and it only changed the results by maybe 3-4C at the most.

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the h50's also aren't even comparable in a water system to a true swiftech system


h50 will NEVER reach the cooling power of a regular system.


ive had this water setup through the mid 90's with nearly 100% humidity, with and without a/c

and it only changed the results by maybe 3-4C at the most.


What sort of ambient temperatures did you have with that setup and close to 100% humidity?


Thanks to you and nanoprobe's responses I feel a bit better about trying out the H50 first - but I'll get a Noctua as well in the near term to try out.


And I'll get back to you in here with the results!



Edited by kimp

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the h50's also aren't even comparable in a water system to a true swiftech system

Agreed. Never said they were.


h50 will NEVER reach the cooling power of a regular system.

What do you consider a "regular" system?

ive had this water setup through the mid 90's with nearly 100% humidity, with and without a/c

and it only changed the results by maybe 3-4C at the most.

The 2 H-50s I have running lowered my temps by almost 20c on one and 12-15c on the other. YMMV

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