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Cant get past 3.6ghz on E6300 Pentium Dual Core


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hello im trying to hit at least 3.8ghz on my e6300 pentium dual core which is stock at 2.8 but i overclocked it to 3.6 (10.5x343) @ 1.28750 vCore so i increased the vCore to 1.36 and set it to 10x400 and set my ram at 2.50a as my multiplier for my ram my m/b is a gigabyte eg41mf-us2h and my ram is 2x2gb corsair xms2 pc 6400 so will i be able to get 4ghz i got told to increase my nb voltage and the termination and the mch? so could you shed some light on overclocking a e6300 PENTIUM DUAL CORE NOT THE OLD E6300 CORE 2 DUO WHICH WAS 1.83ghz


Many regards Mitchell

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