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How to overclock AMD 7750+ BE?


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Hi, i want OC my AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 7750+, my board is ECS GF8200A, i have Arctic Cooling Freezer XTREME and i have 2 Kingstone 2Gb 800mhz.

I would like to tell me how voltages and etc. Sorry my english but im portuguese.

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it is black right ..? in that case ..overclocking is easy ..all what you need to do is ..raising the multiplier from the bios or from AMD Over Drive Utility ..that is not hard ...or you can go for the hard way ..raising the bus speed and it can be done from bios or AMD OD ..

about the ram does it have heat spreader or something like that ..?

if you are going to do it by raising the bus speed ..i think your ram must have heat sinks ..but if you raise the multiplier it does not matter because ram clocks will not be affected ..

back to OC , when you get a higher clock test your system's stability ..by using Prime95 program . if it stable and the temps are good ,

take it higher and do the same thing ( test , monitor temps ) , if it is not stable raise the voltages a little bit ..just a little like 1.35 to 1.36 or 1.37 ..good luck and welcome to OCC community .

Edited by N.E.A

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Like he said. I'd start with the multiplier first, get as far as I could with that, then I'd drop it back to stock, mess with the bus speed until system instability was an issue with OCCT and/or Prime95 back it down about 10-15 mhz on the bus speed and start bumping the multiplier up until it gets unstable without voltage bumps. That 7750 Has a stock voltage of 1.30v I believe. Also, go into the bios and disable ALL power saving features, Cool and Quiet, any "green" features enabled, disable spread spectrum, load line calibration and manually set all the memory voltage and speed settings to stock. lock your Pci Exp to 100mhz from "auto" as messing with your bus speed without this locked may raise this automatically. Try not to mess with the NB too much at first, just baby steps here to but only after you have gone to the max on the processor voltage for stability. (1.45v on air) The voltage on the NB should never exceed the processor voltage. This guide should help out a bit too. It may be for Phenom II BUT the concept is the same.

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