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XFX nForce 790i Ultra SLI Motherboard Overclocking

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I was wondering if anyone here has ever overclocked an XFX nForce 790i Ultra SLI Mobo? I am currently build my first rig and want to know how to overclock my processor on this board it's a Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9770 running @ 3.2 GHz and I would like to overclock it to 3.7 GHz if possible.


My setup will consist of:


CPU= Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9770 @ 3.2 GHz.

RAM= Corsair 6 Ghz.

HDD= 2x WD 500 GHz at RAID 0 if possible also.

GPU= 2x EVGA 295 GTX Superclocked straight from factory.

PSU= Corsair 1000w.

Case= Raven 2 by Silverstone.


So if anyone here has ever done this type of overclock can you please help me out with some type guide I would really appreciate the help.

If there is any other info that you guy's may need to hesitate to ask I will try to be as much help as possible from my end.

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I was wondering if anyone here has ever overclocked an XFX nForce 790i Ultra SLI Mobo? I am currently build my first rig and want to know how to overclock my processor on this board it's a Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9770 running @ 3.2 GHz and I would like to overclock it to 3.7 GHz if possible.


My setup will consist of:


CPU= Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9770 @ 3.2 GHz.

RAM= Corsair 6 Ghz.

HDD= 2x WD 500 GHz at RAID 0 if possible also.

GPU= 2x EVGA 295 GTX Superclocked straight from factory.

PSU= Corsair 1000w.

Case= Raven 2 by Silverstone.


So if anyone here has ever done this type of overclock can you please help me out with some type guide I would really appreciate the help.

If there is any other info that you guy's may need to hesitate to ask I will try to be as much help as possible from my end.


Closed thing I had was a evga 780i with a QX9650 that I oc'ed to 4.0 with a pair of 8800GTS-640's. Kind of miss that system. ran pretty good, the chipset ran pretty hot if I recall though.

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Good mobo..VERY overclockable..Yes, the chipset does run a little more hot than most but it's not really an issue..You can change the thermal paste if you want/need to (see link)..That chipset is good up to 90C max..Mine runs normally at about 70C, never gets more than about 74C.


"QX9770 running @ 3.2 GHz and I would like to overclock it to 3.7 GHz if possible" = That's not only possible, that should be EASILY attainable, given you have a decent cooling solution.



Here's a good guide to start with:



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