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Overclocking AMD Phenom X4 9850


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I am new to overclocking and do not know anything about it. My specs are : AMD Phenom X4 9850, Unlocked 2.5 ghz, Socket AM2+. The motherboard is MSI K9N SLI-F v2.0, NVIDIA nForce 570 LT SLI. How do I overclock this thing. I would like to overclock alittle bit maybe to 2.8, nothing outrageous. Thanks

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Not exactly a champion CPU for OCing but 2.8GHz should definitely be possible with a small voltage increase. In your BIOS settings you will need to change the multiplier of the CPU only "click" at a time of course. Try reaching 2.7GHz at stock voltage, and if all is well shoot for 2.8GHz. If it becomes unstable at 2.8GHz this is why you should add a little voltage.


Unfortunately reaching 2.9GHz or anything beyond that is not likely. I would also recommend a better cooler if you plan to use this chip for long.


To be honest, I would look into saving for a new chip/motherboard set soon, though.

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OK I went into the BIOS settings and this is what I found. The Processor Frequency Multiplier is set on "auto". The adjust CPU FSB frequency is on 200.0 and you can move that. CPU voltage is on "auto" and the memory voltage is on 1.90. The memory voltage, processor frequency multiplier, and CPU voltage wont let me change them. Are they on a safe setting or something? Let me know what to do. Thanks

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