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Bios setting to look over and rip to bits :)


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You will all be getting sick of me very soon.


If i could ask anyone that has a spare 5 mins to download THESE PICS and take a look over my bios settings. Iam trying to get over the 4gig mark and i just cant get there and keep it stable


Thanks for any input its really appreciated



Regards Danny

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Set your PCIe frequency to 100

Take your voltages off AUTO !!!!

You stated 6 GB's of Ram, I don't know why but I presumed 2x2x1x1 if you are using 2x2x2 take the stick out that doesn't belong.

Set QPI back to 36x


Let us know how it goes. :)

Edited by RJR

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Set your PCIe frequency to 100

Take your voltages off AUTO !!!!

You stated 6 GB's of Ram, I don't know why but I presumed 2x2x1x1 if you are using 2x2x2 take the stick out that doesn't belong.

Set QPI back to 36x


Let us know how it goes. :)


Set the voltage to ?? STD


Also the Ram: are you saying i will loose 2 gig or need to buy a 4th stick?

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Set your PCIe frequency to 100

Take your voltages off AUTO !!!!

You stated 6 GB's of Ram, I don't know why but I presumed 2x2x1x1 if you are using 2x2x2 take the stick out that doesn't belong.

Set QPI back to 36x


Let us know how it goes. :)



Did that . all i got was a continuous beep then rebooted. Went back into bios and got the red box saying setting bla bla bla.


O i didnt change anything other than them 3 things.

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For right now I would say YES loose the 3rd stick. If there are very memory intensive programs you are running that require more than 4 GBs then YES pick up a 4th stick of the EXACT same memory, but this will make your OC harder to obtain.


Well, for voltages, I would set all at default and work up your OC from there stress testing and monitoring the volts/temps as you go but that takes a lot of time and patience.


So, since you asked for my Bios settings I presume your not able to spend that kind of time to achieve your goals. So, set your vcore to 1.30v, QPI to about 1.2v (my rig is folding on the cpu right now and it errors when I stop it so I can't tell you the exact setting at the moment, I have to wait about 12 hours), PLL to 1.86v, VDIMM to 1.65v, PCH 1.05v, Clock ratio to 20X, Bclk to 200 and change the memory so it's running at 1600 and give it a try. The biggest problem with doing it this way is you have NO idea of what the best settings for your rig are and have NO idea of what you need to change if it doesn't work. Working it up for the bottom and changing one setting at a time and testing as you go along tells you what needed to be changed.


GL :)

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For right now I would say YES loose the 3rd stick. If there are very memory intensive programs you are running that require more than 4 GBs then YES pick up a 4th stick of the EXACT same memory, but this will make your OC harder to obtain.


Well, for voltages, I would set all at default and work up your OC from there stress testing and monitoring the volts/temps as you go but that takes a lot of time and patience.


So, since you asked for my Bios settings I presume your not able to spend that kind of time to achieve your goals. So, set your vcore to 1.30v, QPI to about 1.2v (my rig is folding on the cpu right now and it errors when I stop it so I can't tell you the exact setting at the moment, I have to wait about 12 hours), PLL to 1.86v, VDIMM to 1.65v, PCH 1.05v, Clock ratio to 20X, Bclk to 200 and change the memory so it's running at 1600 and give it a try. The biggest problem with doing it this way is you have NO idea of what the best settings for your rig are and have NO idea of what you need to change if it doesn't work. Working it up for the bottom and changing one setting at a time and testing as you go along tells you what needed to be changed.


GL :)


I have just removed the stick. set the qpi as you said. What i did then was set the core @1.4 and the ram @1.64 its booting no probs all the way to 4.2 but stable (short test at 3.99) all the other voltge is std . I have the time just needed a better idea on were to start.

Thanks alot for all your help will carry on tomorrow.

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