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My first water cooled pc


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I am interested in adding a water cooling system to my computer I need some suggestions. My case has plenty of room to accommodate all the new parts I just need some help.


Do I buy a kit?

What are some possible setups for an AM2 socket?

What hose size should I use?

any other suggestions?





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Is this water cooling for the sake of having water cooling? Or are you planning to push your hardware pretty far?


I wouldn't purchase a kit.


What do you want to cool?

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I'd like to have more of an idea before I take the jump.


Well if you're gonna water cool for the sake of water cooling, something like a CoolIt Domino would be more suitable and cost less money. Plus you'd be able to get an Air cooler and get more or less the same performance.


If you want water cooling to cool because you plan on overclocking pretty far, then it has more of a purpose.


Whether or not you'll cool more then just the CPU is important as well.


For instance cooling only the CPU will be around $300 for a decent setup. Depending on what you buy you may be able to get that number closer to $200.


If you want to cool the GPU, MOSFETS, and Chipset as well you'll be looking at a larger Radiator, more Tubing, and around $500.


For this reason it's kind of important you make these decisions before hardware can be suggested.


For Water Block I'd suggest either the SwiftTech Apogee or the DTek Fusion V2. For Tubing


As for tubing 3/8" ID (5/8" OD) is cheap and will get the job done.


Radiator is hard to suggest, because we don't know what you're looking to cool yet.


Same goes for Pump, and reservoirs are optional.


Give some more detail on what you're looking for, and I'd be glad to help you pick out more parts. (Unless someone beats me to it. :P)

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