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Preperation to overclock the cpu.

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So I might start to overclock, and I have some questions before I get it underway.


1. How to determine the cpu speed. I think there was an equation that uses the multiplier and something else which at the end will = the CPU Ghz which will help me do more things at once, and not have to quit the bios just to go into cpuz to see my cpu speed.


2.Prime95. While it's running can I do other things on the PC?


3.If I know the speed that I want to obtain for my CPU, do I go ahead and skip to it straight away, or do I oc little by little?


4.What would be things and details to take notice of when overcloking a CPU, that are important and would help with NOT screwing up the OC?


5.Additional information that would be good to know.



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So I might start to overclock, and I have some questions before I get it underway.


1. How to determine the cpu speed. I think there was an equation that uses the multiplier and something else which at the end will = the CPU Ghz which will help me do more things at once, and not have to quit the bios just to go into cpuz to see my cpu speed.


2.Prime95. While it's running can I do other things on the PC?


3.If I know the speed that I want to obtain for my CPU, do I go ahead and skip to it straight away, or do I oc little by little?


4.What would be things and details to take notice of when overcloking a CPU, that are important and would help with NOT screwing up the OC?


5.Additional information that would be good to know.





1) Do a search for some overclocking guides and read them..There's tons of good info out there..Familiarize yourself with the proceedures..Understand what all your system BIOS settings mean and what effect they'll have if you change them.


2) No


3) Little by little


4) Heat, above all


5) AMD Processor Specifications: http://products.amd.com/en-us/DesktopCPUResult.aspx


Real Temp: http://majorgeeks.com/Real_Temp_d6098.html


SpeedFan: http://majorgeeks.com/SpeedFan_d337.html


Everest: http://majorgeeks.com/EVEREST_Ultimate_Edition_d4876.html

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