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my first overclock

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Ok so i recently bought myself a new pc and i've found that because of my cpu my vga card is being bottlenecked so i've decided to overclock.

I've done minimal research just so i know what the hell everything is but i still have no overclocking expirience though im an avid gamer.

i have a GA-Ep45-Extreme motherboard, a intel e7600 cpu, a gtx 260 vga card and a 2gb stick of ddr800 ram.

please help i need assistance.

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Just increase the FSB by 7 and run Orthos for about 20+ mins. If it fails just go back to bios and increase the voltage by a bit. Also use Realtemp and Coretemp to monitor your cpu temperature. Which ever shows the highest use that since that will keep you below the maximum temp. Once you have reached your maximum run prime 95 for about 6-24 hours to ensure maximum stability.


Good Luck. Keep your temps below 60 btw.

Edited by iOverclock

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