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OC problems: P5Q&Q9400


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I tried reading a few basic articles and overclocking my computer, and I can't get it to stop crashing now. I removed the bios battery, put it back in and then click the set default opion to make absolutely sure it was all back to normal. I did this because I changed a bunch of settings and couldnt even get my computer to show the desktop before it crashed. Assuming I made some kind of mistake, I tried resetting everything, but now it wont even run at factory spec =( this is a Q9400 and I set my CPUM to 6 and FSB to 200, and now the computer runs ok without crashing. Before I underclocked it, I kept getting a blue screen, and then it started to actually make it to the desktop, but then crash as soon as I logged in.


Anyone have any ideas? Someone suggested that I corrupted the OS, but im using it right now, and it seems to be ok.. might I have damaged something in playing with the settings? the maximum settings I used were 400 FSB, and 8 CPUM which should have made 3.2Ghz, but the computer never even started completely with those settings...


Thanks for any help :unsure:

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I even just finished playing some choppy COD4, and no crash (at 1.6ghz..sigh)


and max core temp during this was only 40 degrees C

Edited by Enjin

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I tried reading a few basic articles and overclocking my computer, and I can't get it to stop crashing now. I removed the bios battery, put it back in and then click the set default opion to make absolutely sure it was all back to normal. I did this because I changed a bunch of settings and couldnt even get my computer to show the desktop before it crashed. Assuming I made some kind of mistake, I tried resetting everything, but now it wont even run at factory spec =( this is a Q9400 and I set my CPUM to 6 and FSB to 200, and now the computer runs ok without crashing. Before I underclocked it, I kept getting a blue screen, and then it started to actually make it to the desktop, but then crash as soon as I logged in.


Anyone have any ideas? Someone suggested that I corrupted the OS, but im using it right now, and it seems to be ok.. might I have damaged something in playing with the settings? the maximum settings I used were 400 FSB, and 8 CPUM which should have made 3.2Ghz, but the computer never even started completely with those settings...


Thanks for any help :unsure:

hey ...we agreed it is the os if it was the cpu the boot screen won`t even show ..try to format the hd or what ever to install the os ...if your cpu was dead you won`t get a screen at all , and as one of the members said learn more about ocing then try it , my first oc was on a p4 631 i got it from 3.0 to 3.6 on intel stock cooler and it wasn`t that hot,if you cant` do any thing about the os get someone to do it ,don`t worry the cpu is alive

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I even just finished playing some choppy COD4, and no crash (at 1.6ghz..sigh)


and max core temp during this was only 40 degrees C

sorry i didn`t get it what is the problem ? is it because your cpu runs at 1.6

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sorry i didn`t get it what is the problem ? is it because your cpu runs at 1.6


ya..my computer was actually loading to the point where my desktop would show, then shutting off after a few seconds..so I thought to myself...How can it be the OS? so I seriously underclocked my cpu to see what would happen....and it worked! I have been upping the setting little by little, but still havn't reached factory settings.


one MORE thing though..I forgot to mention that I updated my bios in the midst of all this, and that the process went perfectly, so I kind of dismissed it. I did however get a new screen on startup that says "Express Gate" that never appeared before. I disabled express gate and I'm now I'm at 2ghz(CPUM:8 FSB:250) without incident. So maybe that one thing has been causing problems.. Will report back in a bit

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update: running at 2.4ghz. Further googling resulted in reading that certain bios versions may not support my chip. Full 333 fsb still wont go. running and 300 FSB, researching correct bios version.

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ya..my computer was actually loading to the point where my desktop would show, then shutting off after a few seconds..so I thought to myself...How can it be the OS? so I seriously underclocked my cpu to see what would happen....and it worked! I have been upping the setting little by little, but still havn't reached factory settings.


one MORE thing though..I forgot to mention that I updated my bios in the midst of all this, and that the process went perfectly, so I kind of dismissed it. I did however get a new screen on startup that says "Express Gate" that never appeared before. I disabled express gate and I'm now I'm at 2ghz(CPUM:8 FSB:250) without incident. So maybe that one thing has been causing problems.. Will report back in a bit

why couldn`t you get 8 *333 ..?,but tell me this what cooler do you have..?if it is intel`s or a good aftermarket cooler then.i think you missed with the voltage ..but i am not that sure ,see what cooler do you have and the voltage ,then we can go for the next thought or stage ...by the way why have you updated the bios..?

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Since I was gonna be playing with it, I thought I may get some extra features or something.. I have version 2102, and the bios updater wont let me roll back.

But this is so strange.... I have my computer running now at 8X332 and its working fine...but as soon as I put the FSB all the way to 333 it starts crashing as soon as I log into windows. Soo....what the..???

and I cant boot from CD either =/ I have booted from CD to reinstall vista before, but now it wont work.. I can access the CD right now from within windows, but it will not boot from it =(


so yeah...1mhz below factory and it works but 333hz FSB and it dies?

and no CD rom booting.. I guess its not the end of the world If I dont get that 1mhz back...but there must be an explanation for this...Im gonna call asus first thing tomorrow morning unless you've got any ideas?


thanks for the help so far =)


edit: man...think I got phished and downloaded a screwy bios? I was sure I was at a legit asus home page...but I did search it up in google..

Edited by Enjin

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so yeah....after screwing with the overclocking settings, then putting everything back on default/auto my computer keeps crashing and rebooting while trying to load windows. It only works if I set the FSB to less than 333 where its supposed to be. 330 and less works fine =/

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so yeah....after screwing with the overclocking settings, then putting everything back on default/auto my computer keeps crashing and rebooting while trying to load windows. It only works if I set the FSB to less than 333 where its supposed to be. 330 and less works fine =/

ok, a couple things:

is your heatsink mounted properly?

have you checked the other settings (non-OC related) in the BIOS? the 'default settings' may be whats causing windows to crash. had something similar happen once when AHCI got disabled. go through everything and make sure its all where its supposed to be.

have you tried another OS, or windows in safe mode? if possible, see about getting a linux live cd, like ubuntu. see if that will work on your comp with factory settings. using a live cd will not alter anything on your HD. also, if theres an app that oc's your comp that runs on startup, it may be causing the problem. it wont run in safe mode.


and NEA, my first OC was a pentium 486. took it to 233mhz, but it was only stable at 166 lol

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ok, a couple things:

is your heatsink mounted properly?

have you checked the other settings (non-OC related) in the BIOS? the 'default settings' may be whats causing windows to crash. had something similar happen once when AHCI got disabled. go through everything and make sure its all where its supposed to be.

have you tried another OS, or windows in safe mode? if possible, see about getting a linux live cd, like ubuntu. see if that will work on your comp with factory settings. using a live cd will not alter anything on your HD. also, if theres an app that oc's your comp that runs on startup, it may be causing the problem. it wont run in safe mode.


and NEA, my first OC was a pentium 486. took it to 233mhz, but it was only stable at 166 lol


Thanks but.......................

my computer was working fine 2 days ago... and im not about to start installing all kinds of different OSs for no reason...

I would try rechecking the bios settings, but I don't really know what to look for. Everthing overclocking related is on auto I think. I have no OC software on my computer. All I did was update the BIOS and then up the speed of the try upping the Multiplier(maximum 8) and the Bus speed. Then I input some voltages that a guy had in his example, which Im fairly certain weren't even close to the maximum allowed values. Safe mode: same problem.


How is it possible that it works fine at 330 Mhz bus but as soon as I put Ai Overclock on auto or FSB back to 333 I get crashes??!?!?!

LoL...what the ?!?!?

Edited by Enjin

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Thanks but.......................

my computer was working fine 2 days ago... and im not about to start installing all kinds of different OSs for no reason...

I would try rechecking the bios settings, but I don't really know what to look for. Everthing overclocking related is on auto I think. I have no OC software on my computer. All I did was update the BIOS and then up the speed of the try upping the Multiplier(maximum 8) and the Bus speed. Then I input some voltages that a guy had in his example, which Im fairly certain weren't even close to the maximum allowed values. Safe mode: same problem.


How is it possible that it works fine at 330 Mhz bus but as soon as I put Ai Overclock on auto or FSB back to 333 I get crashes??!?!?!

LoL...what the ?!?!?

i mentioned the LiveCD so that you could completely rule out it being an OS issue. as i said, it wont install anything at all to your HD.


youre running the stock voltages now, or the ones form the 'example'? if theres an auto setting, use that.

you said you updated the bios. wonder if its possible to flash back to the previous version, see if that solves the problem. then you know its a problem with the updated bios.

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