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I was concerned about my temps and this is the result!!!&#


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Now where is that CNPS9500, oh here it is, 100th place.


Still, doesn't matter because in normal computing/gaming you won't come anywhere near the heat generated by IBT.


So, with a thermal spec of 71.4c (case temp, not core) even at 75c IBT your more than within Intels specs.




And that was my point i was trying to get across to alot of people who were critisizing me on my temps. Linpack pushes your cpu to its apsolute max on temps and load so in order for a CPU to be put to that point is virtually impossible for which i do with it. Which is some video conversions and gaming. i converted a few 6gb videos over to avi format and my temps never went past 45c so whether the Zalman CNPS9500 is 100th place or not it works for my application. even without the extra cooling

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