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Questions about Overclocking AMD

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Hi, I have a AMD x2 64 7750 Kuma, no black edition.

People told me that the multipliers are locked so that it isn't possible to overclock my cpu... But I wish to ask if they are right?


Can my regular 7750 be overclocked, and if it can how do i do it?

Do i have to somehow unlock the multiplier? O_O plz help thank you!

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First, are you certain that you have a AMD Atlon x2 7750? Because to my knowledge and according to AMD the 7750 was only available as a black edition processor. Anyway, when you're overclocking a processor there are two main things that control your final processor speed, the multiplier and the Clock speed(this is called many different things but is normally set to 200 as a default). Your final processor speed is equal to Clock speed * multiplier, so in the case of your 7750 the default should be 200*13.5=2700. On most processors the multiplier is locked, the exceptions are AMD's Black Edition Processors and (??)intels Extreme Edition processors, someone please correct me if im wrong on this cause im really not sure and have never owned one(??). For Intel processors having a locked multiplier is not a big deal because they are able to adjust the clock speed quite high, however AMD processors generally dont like it when you adjust the clock speed very much. For instance on an intel processor you should be able to increase the clock speed to 250 fairly easily but on my AMD if i go over 208 my processor becomes unstable. With that being said, the only effective way to get a very significant overclock on an amd is to change the multiplier, however you can overclock it slightly by adjusting the CPU clock speed. Any other questions feel free to ask and ill try to answer to the best of my knowledge.


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