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E7400 o/c causing headaches!

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Hi all.


Thanks for your replies. I've recenly encountered a number of other problems with my overclock and had to drop it all back to stock speeds due to having important work to do.


Speedstep and C1E are both already disabled. But I think I may be hitting a bit of a wall with my PSU. During gaming (even at stock speeds) I'm experiencing random restarts and BSOD. I think the GPU is in need of more power than what it's getting from the PSU. So that's an issue I need to fix first I think. I had thought a 550w psu would be enough, but apparently not!! :)


But, I'm going to have another shot at it next week. I'll post some screens when I start too.



I didn't think I'd have to raise the vcore that much myself, but it just wouldn't stabilize until then.


As far as the low temps go, I figured it was possibly down to the fact that I've got 3 case fans in there. Plus the HSF is half decent, so I guess I just assumed it was all working as it should be.

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What I find more intresting is the small jump under load. Did you check this while running P95? Even stock mine jumps at least 10-15deg. My idle temps are also around 33deg celcius but easily jump into the 50's and low 60's if the fans are not set to 100%.

very good point. He's CPU only jumped like 3 degrees.


@burnoutbob, even if you had 5 fans, your temperature probably shouldn't only jump a few degrees. Do a temp retest IMO.

Edited by jgv115

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Burnoutbob I'm using a 520w PSU and 8800GTS and it's all running stable at 3.56GHZ which is the wall I've hit - I've tried raising all the temps, relaxing the memorty timings, etc but it just won't go faster. Can't get the FSB to go faster than 1500Mhz either.


It idles at 33deg and goes up to around 51 running P95.

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Ok, so I'm guessing it's maybe not the PSU. Though, I'll test it with another one just to be sure.


The temps are beginning to concern me now, since so may of you are saying they should be going higher. I did hit around 45/50 after about 4 hours of OCCT, but since it took that long, I just thought "wow, I'm awesome at this cooling lark"!! Apparently not!! :)


As I said, I'm going to give this another go next week and will be back no doubt, with a million and one other issues!! :)

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might be worth checking what voltage your memory sticks are rated at, and what theyre actually being given.

somethings still at fault if you get random reboots, i would definitely look into that before proceeding with an OC

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