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Need Help !!! Q9550 OC


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Whats up guys?

This is my first post here...I hope you guys can help me...

Ok, so I have my pc running for like 6 months now, it was OC to 3.6ghz and 4 days ago I read some and learned I can do better so I played with the voltage (FSB, DDR3, CPU) and got it to run at 3.8ghz and the memory at 1800mhz 9-9-9-24 (default). My problem is that I tried running Futuremark Vantage (or something like that) and it run for a few minutes then froze, did it again and it froze again...after the second restart the ATI driver was damaged and I had to reinstall it. then I started getting BSOD...after few minutes running Vista Ultimate 32bit I suddenly got BSOD, I changed my OC back to 3.6ghz and the DDR3 to around 1600mhz and after 15 or 20 minutes (could me more than that) I got BSOD again...Can anyone please tell me what could be the problem?

I didn't OC the GPU at all and my voltage are under the limits (DDR3 1.7v, CPU 1.3500v, FSB 1.3v) I realy don't know what could be the problem...I'm afraid my HD4890 was damaged during the benchmark I tried to run...Is it possible??

Any help would be great!!

Also, If someone can tell me what I did wrong it would be great. I tried to run Prime95 and 2 cores fails, the other 2 kept running until I stopped the test. My CPU never got hotter then 68c...

Thanks a lot people!!

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Sounds like you got a little eager and maybe a tad bit ambitious. The D memory options are the best to use for higher clocking. THe MCP voltage needs to go up once you start hitting 400FSB on that board. My son has that board now so I will try and play with it to try some settings for you 3.6 to 3.8 is about what you can usually safely get on air. At least my last 4 775 quads did no better than 3.8 prime stable.

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Sounds like you got a little eager and maybe a tad bit ambitious. The D memory options are the best to use for higher clocking. THe MCP voltage needs to go up once you start hitting 400FSB on that board. My son has that board now so I will try and play with it to try some settings for you 3.6 to 3.8 is about what you can usually safely get on air. At least my last 4 775 quads did no better than 3.8 prime stable.


Well, the highest i managed to hit was 448FSB, when I tried to hit 450FSB the system was starting up then froze and then BSOD. I read somewhere (Anandtech I think) that with quad core CPU, the most stable memory strap would be B ("For manual use, we found the 333 strap 2:1 divider to be the most stable combination to use for quad-core processors")...and whats MCP Voltage ?

Thanks a lot for your help !!!!

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My Q is humming along at 442 x 8.5 for a 3.757 ghz clock.

I can go into the low 4's but I found it isnt worth my effort as temps are a factor and I don't want/need water cooling.

After I passed the 420-430 FSB mark it became very apparent I needed to play around with my VTT and GTL ref voltages.

These quads are great but as I said when you get near the upper 3's and 4ghz level you will have some work to do along with higher temps to deal with.

There is no magic formula, you are gonna have to do your homework.


Nobody can accurately give you the right voltages, it's up to you to find them. :thumbs-up:

You have some very nice hardware, enjoy it.

3.8ghz. is nothing to sneeze at for your Q.

We are all counting on you, good luck!

Edited by Kingfisher

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Listen bro, I kept playing with it and decided to go up easy so now I'm at 3.53Ghz but how the h**l you managed to get 3.757Ghz using 1.225v ?? I mean, I set the CPU voltage to 1.35v as I thought it got to have some juice to run that high..? Do you think I can lower it a bit?

I don't know much about OC, just what I have read, and believe me its hard trying to do it when every guide and all the settings are in English...now I guess my English is ok but its gets harder to understand with all the technical terms. The reason I'm telling you this is that maybe you can tell me what is this GTL ref voltage you mentioned and what else should I do? I mean, I changed 3 voltage parameters so far, CPU, DDR and VTT...I saw something called CPU skew or something like that and much more stuff I didn't understand so any help would be great.

If you need some screenshots of my BIOS you can find them right here:


Its like 3 or 4 pages but I couldn't understand much...

Thanks a lot guys.

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I am a beginner with the quads and their difficult work to get them running at high clocks.

I read this monster and had some kind advice from some very good clockers here and over at xtreme forums that shed some very good light on GTL refs.


It's all a work in progress, you just have to be determined and have some faith if you want to play with the big kids(I am not saying I am , I strive to be one)

I was lucky and have a low VID chip (1.1875) that allows me to use lower voltages but I assure you, once I try anything higher than where I am at it , it takes ALOT of effort for me to reach the 4's and above.


It took me a month/6 weeks to find my ceiling and I decided for the better to stay here and accept the 3.75 clock.

Believe me, it is not easy but it's a heck of a ride, these quads are alot of fun.


Don't get down, maybe take a break but it's worth the reward at the end.

I don't like giving out settings because as I said before, it's not an exact science if you will. (VTT 1.32, NB 1.32, GTL ref .63x, load line calibration is disabled and I kept my skew settings at normal, your BIOS settings may be different of course because of the different boards we have,)

Edited by Kingfisher

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Thanks for your answer man! I will take it one step at a time, as I mentioned, I'm at 3.53Ghz right now, and I'm going to run Prime95 for several hours...So my fingers are crossed !!!

One thing though' in case of a failure in one or more cores, what do you guys think could be the problem?? Thanks !!

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One thing though' in case of a failure in one or more cores, what do you guys think could be the problem?? Thanks !!


The usual suspects are :


vcore voltage

VTT voltage(or FSB termination volatge)

Northbridge voltage(sometimes called MCH on some boards)

GTL ref voltage

PLL voltage

RAM voltage

RAM timings



It could be one of these, some, or all.

It's hard to say without being there with you in front of the PC. :thumbs-up:

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