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Help with overlocking i7 920

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Right now at stock, BCLK 133, everything else on auto I'm running at 2.8GHZ, Vcore 1.0~1.1 with all settings on default in Bios. I'm totally at a loss. I don't know if it's the crappy Thermaltake V1 cooler on the CPU or what. I've had the computer for about 2 weeks now. The first day I got the comp just for fun I took the BCLK and bumped it up to 166, everything else on auto. CPU overclocked to 3.4 and I ran Prim95 for about 10 minutes and it never went over 50C. I put the BCLK back to 133 and left it at that. Now I've had some time to play with with it but for some reason I can't even get the CPU to run stable with the BCLK to only 150 without the CPU heating up to over 80C while running Prime95 for only 2 minutes. It's got me quite confused I don't get it. The CPU fan is running at 2109RPM even though it's only rated for 2000. I've tried everything, slowly bringing up the QPI and the CPU voltages, still nothing. Can't run Prime95 for more than two minutes before the it reaches 80C and continues climbing so I kill it. With a BCLK of 133 and everything on auto I idle at 30-32C, with full load it never gets over 50C but as soon as I change the BCLK to anything over 133 the temperature just keeps going up and up and up non-stop so I'm totally confused as to why especially since some people have overclocked to stable speeds up to 3.6 with the stock heatsink and fan on the CPU. It's really ticking me off so I haven't touched it since. I tried using the Turbo V but it locks up my computer every time I set the BCLK above 150 so I gave up on that, too. So as of right now I have absolutely no idea what to do. The tests above were also done with Speedtest, Turbo mode and HT all off but even that didn't help. Any ideas what might be the problem? I'm at work right now, I'll post some SS tonight when I get home.


Intel i7 920 CPU

Asus P6T Deluxe Mobo

6GB DDR3 1333 Corsair Dominator Ram


Thermaltake V1 CPU Cooler

Edited by Kevin1873

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Right now at stock, BCLK 133, everything else on auto I'm running at 2.8GHZ, Vcore 1.0~1.1 with all settings on default in Bios. I'm totally at a loss. I don't know if it's the crappy Thermaltake V1 cooler on the CPU or what. I've had the computer for about 2 weeks now. The first day I got the comp just for fun I took the BCLK and bumped it up to 166, everything else on auto. CPU overclocked to 3.4 and I ran Prim95 for about 10 minutes and it never went over 50C. I put the BCLK back to 133 and left it at that. Now I've had some time to play with with it but for some reason I can't even get the CPU to run stable with the BCLK to only 150 without the CPU heating up to over 80C while running Prime95 for only 2 minutes. It's got me quite confused I don't get it. The CPU fan is running at 2109RPM even though it's only rated for 2000. I've tried everything, slowly bringing up the QPI and the CPU voltages, still nothing. Can't run Prime95 for more than two minutes before the it reaches 80C and continues climbing so I kill it. With a BCLK of 133 and everything on auto I idle at 30-32C, with full load it never gets over 50C but as soon as I change the BCLK to anything over 133 the temperature just keeps going up and up and up non-stop so I'm totally confused as to why especially since some people have overclocked to stable speeds up to 3.6 with the stock heatsink and fan on the CPU. It's really ticking me off so I haven't touched it since. I tried using the Turbo V but it locks up my computer every time I set the BCLK above 150 so I gave up on that, too. So as of right now I have absolutely no idea what to do. The tests above were also done with Speedtest, Turbo mode and HT all off but even that didn't help. Any ideas what might be the problem? I'm at work right now, I'll post some SS tonight when I get home.


Intel i7 920 CPU

Asus P6T Deluxe Mobo

6GB DDR3 1333 Corsair Dominator Ram


Thermaltake V1 CPU Cooler


Have you tried reseating the FHS? it may have come loose. also, if you have any of the voltages on auto set them to the desired value or normal, some of the x58 boards like to overvolt on auto settings when overclocking..

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Have you tried reseating the FHS? it may have come loose. also, if you have any of the voltages on auto set them to the desired value or normal, some of the x58 boards like to overvolt on auto settings when overclocking..


Yeah that's the common sense thing to try I guess with the FHS I just left it alone because it looks like it's on solid, I'll take a crack at that when I get home. and I'll try setting the voltages to stock manually instead of leaving them on auto, that's a good idea, I didn't know x58 did that when overclocking. That might be the problem since at stock settings the temps stay really good but go insane anytime i change the BCLK. Good points Hyper, thank you.

Edited by Kevin1873

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