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A New Way To Share You Pictures With The Internet


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imgur.com is a free image sharing/hosting service that allows you to quickly upload and edit your photos and share them with friends the Internet. Now you're asking, "How is this different from imageshack, tinypic, or photobucket?" Well that's simple. imgur is free (as in beer), no ads, anonymous, and easier to use. It's my gift to the Internet. Enjoy!



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imgur.com is a free image sharing/hosting service that allows you to quickly upload and edit your photos and share them with friends the Internet. Now you're asking, "How is this different from imageshack, tinypic, or photobucket?"


Well that's simple. imgur is free (as in beer)

So's Photobucket


no ads

AdBlock Plus


anonymous, and easier to use.

Photobucket's not intrusive, and you get to upload multiple images at a time by dragging your mouse and your images will always be there unless you delete them. There's so much more you have with Photobucket and it's not like you can't use GIMP to edit your images before hand.


It's my gift to the Internet. Enjoy!




Don't get me wrong, new image hosting sites are neat, but when it's just like imageshack, oi...

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Don't get me wrong, new image hosting sites are neat, but when it's just like imageshack, oi...


Photobucket is not free. Ever see one of those "Bandwidth limit exceeded" images from them? They are also starting to become a pain in the . to use. You have to join their site, and their images are not anonymous.


But it doesn't matter whether you like Photobucket more or not. I don't get anything out of you using my site, I just thought some people would like it.


It's also not just like imageshack. They force you to "optimize" your image, which is just their way of saying "we are going to compress your picture even more." They also don't have the image editing stuff. Sure, you can use gimp to do it, but for a quick crop, or quick rotate, why not be able to do it on site?


nice, I wish the "skip image editing" bit was opt in and not opt out.

I was thinking the same thing. Done.

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