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My Fan Fiasco

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About a week ago I broke a fin on my case side panel by being retarded and it's been vibrating like crazy, so I ordered a Scythe Ultra Kaze and it came in today. I opened up and realized that I had bought a 38mm deep fan. Doh! The fan hits my CPU heatsink and won't fit. Well that's fine I thought, I'll put it in the front bay of my Antec 900.


Well needless to say it doesn't fit there either so I strapped it to the back of my HDD cage using a shoe lace (pics coming later). Well in a fit of rage trying to get the HDD cage to fit back in with this monster strapped to it, I broke the fan controller wire to the fan in the front of the cage. Well, I think the piece of the wire must have fallen (somehow) under my motherboard, because I can't seem to find it and I hear something shaking around down there. I sure as hell don't feel like taking that off now.


I didn't think much of the fan controller breaking at the time. I just expected it to default to the highest setting. But the fan doesn't spin and the lights don't even come on. Could I cut off the fan controller wire from my other broken fan (the one with a broken blade) and connect it to the one with the broken wire or what? Or perhaps it's possible to remove the whole spinning piece to one fan and replace it with the other one I have that doesn't have a broken blade.

Edited by malmsteenisgod

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What do you mean by the "fan controller wire"?

Is it the wire from the stock case fan that lets you choose L-M-H?

Hope everything works out.

Sounds like you had a bit of back luck there. :(


Yep, that's exactly what I mean. I'm not sure if I can just twist my good wire onto that one and it'll work or if I'll have to do some soldering.

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