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A Few Overclocking Questions On The I7 940


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Ok, I recently got a Dell XPS 730x the spec are as follows...


Intel i7 940 2.93




750 GB HD


Nvidia 9800GT


Soundblaster 7.1


It comes standard with the water cooling system.


Ok, the questions are, with the i7 would overclocking it to 3.5Ghz for day to day be safe and reliable? And how do I do that, i've looked up a few tutorials and from what I can tell you go in to the set up mode when prompted in start up, is this correct?

Also, if I'm not mistaken it's a bit trickier than normal to overclock this processor, what do I need to look out for?

Has anyone done this and came more or less give me a step by step?


I'm not worried about overclocking the RAM, I'd rather just buy more.


Is it possible to manually adjust the water cooling on this computer or is it just stuck at factory spec?


Thanks guys.

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Ok, your first question, at, 3.5? At what vcore will you will be able to achieve that with the Dell? If it is on an aftermarket board, I'd say very reliable. An example, I ran my e6600 at 3.6/1.5 vcore 24/7 for gaming, for oh, almost 2 yrs. And now, a q6600 3.6/1.425vcore, 24/7.


And how to overclock a Dell? No idea, I have not seen a Dell bios before.


Yes you are mistaken, its not trickier to overclock that processor. Its not different a process to overclock it like its older brothers.

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Hmm...so how how would I get around this? Would I just have to by another motherboard? But if I installed the OS again would that not install Dells BIOS?


I'm here to learn so please tell me where to go, what keywords are best to search with and if possible some links so I can do some research.

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Do me a favor please, could you post the exact model number of that Dell system you have, thanks. I myself always build my own to overlock, including building my own watercooling, so, I would not be able to help you out with what the capabilities of your watercooling on your Dell.


edit: oh i got it, I was getting different things from google, LOL


second edit: OMG, if you paid for that system for what I have seen on the net, I would not try to do anything more, from my understanding the articles, that system is factory overclocked, and brand name factory built systems are not, I reapeat NOT overclock friendly. It can be done, but not worth the risk and headache.........

Edited by Voltes_5

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Heck, yeah!!! That's a great system man, its for people that can get going right away on gaming, its prebuilt, although a bit steep on the pockets, lol.


Yaeh, you can try to overclock the gpu, get some software for it and then you're set. I recommend evga precision and gpuZ for monitoring, good luck.

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Awesome thanks for the advice. Yea I love it, although it's friggin' HEAVY, they weren't kidding when they said 50lbs. The best part is that I can swap things out, so when I want to upgrade all I have to do is buy whatever and plug it is.

i'm stoked too, b/c I'm getting that new 23in higher than HD monitor they have...then I can just watch blu ray on this.

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Well I stumbled upon the overclocking config for my dell, there's not much for options, they are...


Adjust CPU BClk (MHz) [133]

Spread Spectrum [Enabled]

Adjust PCI Frequency (Mhz) [Auto]

Adjust PCI-E Frequency (MHz) [100]


Intel TurboMode tech [Enabled]


That's all I'm prompted


There is screen before it with the options of...


QPI Freq [Auto]

Memory Ratio [Auto]

CPU Core (Non Turbo) Ratio [22]

>Advance DRAM Config

>Overclock Config

> Overvoltage Config


I don't want to to go balls to the wall but maybe a 3.5 or so would be nice, any helpful direction would be nice.


kinda cool that dell lets you do this, then again it is a damn nice gaming computer

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I dont know your excact model but by the GCard (nVidia GeForce 9800GT 512MB) there seem to be 3 to choose from. I only saw two with the 920 and 1 with the 965. The 965 is pre clocked to 3.73GHz but not sure about the others. Nice computer but deffinatly $$$ .. I would think you had the 965 because of the factory watercooling, I dont think the 920 models come with that. did you upgrade or personalize the computer.


Is a nice computer Ready out of the box is the idea i think

Edited by t12am

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