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Stock Cpu Temp Vs Oc Temp Test

Hitch Itch

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I wanted to see the differance in temps in stock cpu setting vs oc cpu setting


I7-920 cpu

Asus P6T Deluxe mobo

OCZ Platinum tri channel ddr3 1333mhz 6 gigs memory

EVGA GTX260 core 216 55nm gpu

WD 640 gig black edition HD


NV690 case

pcp&c 750 SLI cert ps

stock intel cpu cooler/stock thermal paste


stock cpu temps at idle were 43-47c

oc cpu temps at idle were 45-48c

seems like a very little difference at idle


my oc

asus bios changed the ai tweaker from auto to manual

set my blck from stock 133 to 167

set my dram frequency from auto to 1339 mhz

ALL other settings left as is (auto)


I ran prime 95 for 1/2 hour with stock cpu settings and 1/2 hour with oc cpu settings. there was about a 10c differance

stock cpu setting running prime was about 70c

oc cpu settings running prime was about 80c


All I use this rig for is internet and fps gaming, I have not seen rise that high immediately after closing a game, I would suspect that the only time temp will get to 80c is during a prime test. even so 80 is a little on the high side for me so I will buy and aftermarket cooling soon.

here are my screen shots of stock prime test and oc prime test


Thoughts, recommendations?





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I just finished playing left 4 dead for 2 hours with all settings on Max and kept my cpuid running, the max temp any of the cores hit was 61c, yup still gonna get a aftermarket cooler, but I dont think I will ever get anywhere near that prime 95 temp of 80c

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