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Ocing An E7200 Wolfdale

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Hello all. Just got a new E7200 wolfdale for next to nothing, and have been experimenting the last day on it with the system in sig. I havent found my highest stable OC yet but I have no problems at all at 450x9 4.05ghz @ 1.3V in windows, I can play all games, do day to day tasks fine, but fails orthos and p95 after about an hour. I dropped it back down to 400x9 3.6ghz as I ran out of time to mess with it but im ready to start on it again.

What im wondering is if there is anyone here that has one and what results have they achieved? Ive been searching google and it seems a lot of people are hitting 4ghz on air without too much fuss. Anyone here get that high stable?

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