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Need A Little Help

r3d c0m3t

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As stated, I need a little help. My RAM and H20-120 Compact came this morning and I'm test fitting everything before I order the mobo and two video cards, but (and this is where the "I need a little help" comes in) I'm a little curious about something...


Since I'm going for a two radiator setup, and both radiators also have a combined reservoir would I have to fill both of the radiators, or just one?


Two, I'm pretty sure how I should set the loop up, but I want to be certain: The H20-120's barbs are listed as Inlet (left side) Outlet (right side), and the same goes for the 220 Extreme. So, should I go - 120 inlet to Apogee Drive outlet, Drive inlet to the 220 outlet, and 220 inlet to the 120 outlet?




Original 220 QP, in any case, is the right barb out, and the left in?




I ask because this picture is throwing me way off, if you look the 120 inlet is going to the Drive inlet.


Haha. I feel like a total n00b. :P

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My guess is to just fill up one rad and keep the other one closed. That way you just leave the cap off of one to let the air bubbles escape one way.


BTW the second rad will just eventually start filling itself up once all the air has been purged from the loop.

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So, you'd suggest filling up the 220 first?


Also, I'm not going to use the Hydrx as I want something a little different. I plan on going with this...




Another thing, I'm going with different hoses as the supplied Neoprene simply isn't long enough, and I'd actually like to see the coolant flowing about. In any case...




And the respective anti-kink coils..




Any better suggestions for tubing is alright by me. :thumbs-up:

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Ah come on man, at $2 a foot your better off getting tygon tubing instead. What kind of fittings do you plan on using? I'd suggest getting the 1/2' outer diameter fittings, and then get this size of tubing:



Tygon R3603 7/16in. ID 5/8in. OD Laboratory Tubing # AAC00033



It will give you a tighter fit with 7/16in. ID 5/8in. OD tubing over 1/2" fittings . Actually to be honest once you get Tygon tubing, anti-kink coils would be useless because Tygon tubing doesn't kink. In order for it to kink you would have to have some serious azz bends going on. I use to have anti-kink coils on my old masterkleer tubing and I absolutely hated it. Once I switched up to Tygon there was no need for coils.



If you seriously don't plan on having mixed metals in your loop, coolant would be worthless. I understand your looking for color. But if you have all copper in the loop, good ol' distilled water, and biocide would be your best choice. Remember nothing transfers heat better than plain ol' water..........just something to think about :)

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The 120 has fixed 3/8" OD, but the 220E can take any size barb, but would it make sense to have two different sized tubes?


To be perfectly honest, I wasn't getting the anti-kink coils for the benefit, instead I was getting it for the look. Which is the reason I had the red coolant, white PVC tubing and the black coils. :P


And apparently PrimoChill ICE is capable of staying within 2 degrees C of standard water, I've read three or so reviews and I can't recall if that was mentioned or not.


I'll go with the water and biocide, and colored tubing.


EDIT: Never mind where I would get biocide. B:)

Edited by r3d c0m3t

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The 120 has fixed 3/8" OD, but the 220E can take any size barb, but would it make sense to have two different sized tubes?


To be perfectly honest, I wasn't getting the anti-kink coils for the benefit, instead I was getting it for the look. Which is the reason I had the red coolant, white PVC tubing and the black coils. :P


And apparently PrimoChill ICE is capable of staying within 2 degrees C of standard water, I've read three or so reviews and I can't recall if that was mentioned or not.


I'll go with the water and biocide, and colored tubing.


EDIT: Never mind where I would get biocide. B:)



Then use distilled and biocide then get some red tubing with black coils

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I was cleaning my room (again) and I found the Feser coolant I was using when I had the 220 Extreme by itself, and there's still plenty left...




Should I continue with the water and biocide, or use this until it's finished? The outcome doesn't matter much to me, I'm just looking to make the most of the dual radiator setup.


Oh, and I'm asking this in a jokingly matter more than anything else, what would be better - Deer Park or Poland Spring? :P

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