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E8400 @ 4.2ghz!!!!


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I think I may have found a stable set of voltages and settings for my E8400 at 4.2Ghz! I'm running Prime 95 now and it's been goin for about 20 min w/o any errors which is a HUGE step in the right direction!! I'm running a bit hotter than I would like(Core 0=61 C & Core 1=53 C atm), but I'm gonna be lapping my IHS and my CPU hopefully by the end of the week to see if I cant get those temps down a little bit. It's like X-mas morning! Eheheheheeee

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Lol, well, It ended up failing aprime 95 run after an hour, so I'm gonna have to make some more adjustments to the voltages. I had it set to 1.325V I believe(I have it saved in my bios and I can't find my log for it so...lol..yeah) But what's funny is that I have it OC'ed to 3.8 Ghz on 1.1875V and its completely stable for 26 hours(I stopped the test). My board must like 3.8 or somethin lol cuz it just isnt givin me the 4.2 without a struggle xD

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