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Games Freezing Randomly During Loading After Oc


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I think im making some significant progress, im now able to run 3dmark06 all the way through and Orthos for core 1 and core 0 for 20 minutes passing all the tests (it never switched over and tested core 2 and 3 for whatever reason, im not sure how you do it using small ftt tests). However, for whatever reason whenever I go to load games in crysis it will freeze randomly during the loading screen. What might be causing this and what can I do to change this?


FSB-1880 mhz


Linked and synced RAM

RAM timings 5-5-5-15 2T



CPU core 1.45v

FSB 1.4v

mem 2.1v

SPP 1.4v

MCP 1.525v



System Specs:

Intel Q9550 2.8

Heatsink: Tuniq Tower


Nvidia GTX 280 x2 SLI

G.SKILL 4GB (2 x 2GB) DDR2 @ 1066

SILVERSTONE OP1000-E 1000W ATX 12V 2.2 & EPS 12V

Windows Vista 64 bit



Lane 0 (core 0,1) auto

Lane 1 (core 2,3) auto

Lane 2 (core 0,1) auto

Lane 3 (core 2,3) auto

Edited by cmf0106

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It's odd that it passes stress tests as well as a full 3D 06 run through but fails on crysis loads. The only thing I could think of is that crysis is borked or there is some kind of process your computer isn't stable doing that isn't checked by the stress tests but crysis does it. Very odd situation, I would run a stress test such as orthos for a good 24 hours and see if you get errors, if you get errors in a 24 hour tests it isn't safe to say your computer is stable. It may be able to run stress tests for a few minutes but isn't capable of staying stable all the time.


For example if you ran orthos for 24 hours and found it to be 100% stable then its most definitely crysis just screwing up because you know for a fact your rig is stable as a boulder. But until then while your rig might be stable enough for most things it isn't technically rock solid. Thus you could just be getting malfunctions from instability.

Edited by Gr4vitas

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No single program can assure complete stability. Full stability in 2d (Orthos type programs) means very little as to stability of 3D (games). Your Orthos testing isn't doing much since a single instance cannot test all 4 cores. Use either Prime95 v25.7 (64Bit) or OCCT.



Yea thats really what I was trying to say... lmao thats why im an engineer not a writer :rolleyes:

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