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Overclocking Evga Gtx260.


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hi everyone, I'm really new to this overclocking concept.


here are my specs.


XPS 630i

Nvidia 650i MoBo

E8400 @3.0Ghz 1333FSB

6G of ram @667Mhz

2 fans ( not sure wat type )

power supply: 750w

Video card: EVGA GTX 260 ( regular one, not FTW or SC )

19" dell monitor.


I just replaced my 9800GT for the GTX 260 today.

When I run it on "very high" on everything and anti x 4 settings on Crysis, i only get 15-20 fps...

I feel like I really need to OC my card,,,, but I've heard that there are some specific ways to make it stable.


my core clock : 576Mhz

shader clock : 1242Mhz

memo clock : 999Mhz

fan speed is boosted from 40 to 65 manually.


so guys, can u give me a stable number for those 3 components?

I tried 666Mhz core, 1407Mhz shader, 1107Mhz memo, with 90 percent fan speed but the temp jumped near 70 degrees celci. >.>....


any suggestion with stable overclocking numbers?


by the way is my cpu still ok for crysis? or do i neccessarily need to overclock it?


I deeply appreciate any replies given. thank you.

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Dont quote me on it but i think you should get a little bit higher than 15-20 fps on that 260 but im not sure. as for OC'ing, was 70C under load or idle, If the gpu is at 70 under load i'd say thats fine and not to worry about. Your CPU is fine for crysis. If you are confident that you can overclock it and you have an aftermarket cooler id say overclock it, In my opinion an e8400 is kinda a waste if your not going to overclock it since it overclocks so easily. But if you dont want to OC it then 3.0ghz is just fine. Those GPU clocks should be fine and stable since they are the FTW clocks, as long as that 70C is not idle temp. How does the game run when you do OC the GPU to those clocks? Just remember if you cant afford to replace it then dont overclock it.

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well I just OC'ed again as same as the FTW edition and it crashed on me... when I was playing crysis on half very high and half high, anti x 2, 1440X900 32. getting around 35-40 fps.


I tried to redo crysis and it lagged like crazy ( barely able to play, so i rebooted the computer and set reseted the settings and now it is fine.

did i damage my graphics card in ne way? no right? im really worried,...


maybe I expected too much out of this card.

did I overestimate this card before I buy?

Edited by xpsmania

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