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Hi i just need a little help i want to overclock my AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ 2.6GHz and my XFX 8800GT to the farest safest speeds possible for my system configuration. plz help me im sorta new at this.

My system specs are


Antec 900 Gaming Case

AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ 2.6 GHz

4 Gig Pny 667MHz RAM

Gigabyte GA-MA-770-DS3

XFX 8800GT 512MB

Logitech ClearChat Pro USB Headset

Ultra LS 600Watt PSU

Hitachi DeskStar 400Gig HD

OS Windows Vista Home Premium

Edited by Tazul

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Only you are able to find the safest possible speed for your system, overclocking is an art that is solely dependent on your skill and overall experience in the dark art itself. Before I recommend an awesome "How-to" guide, I'll provide you with a few pointers just to give you a heads-up...


1. Run Memtest before you even begin to overclock; Bad RAM = No fun.


2. Do not psyche yourself out, meaning once you delve into the BIOS and you're exposed to the wealth of parameters your board provides, don't discourage yourself from getting FREE performance that either rivals or smashes your brethren CPUs.


3. Overvolt in increments, don't just slam voltage to the CPU, RAM, or HTT. Doing so can either damage or simply brick your board.


4. Same goes overclocking itself, do so in increments; mindlessly ramping up the frequency will give you a no boot which you'll need to do a CMOS clear to get the PC to POST again. Start off in 5-10MHz increments, once you familiarize yourself with the board and what it and you are capable of you can be a bit more adventurous.


5. Memory timings. Learn them, seriously. They can be your best friend if you know how to handle them and what each timing is specified to do and why it does it.


The rest I'll leave to you...




Good luck. :thumbs-up:

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