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Total Nooby Needing Help Please

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well you could try upping your ram voltage , most hi spec rams run on 2.2-2.4v , also lower you cpu voltage , 1.6 v and above is stricly advised for watercooling only , you might only see idle at 43 c but wait until it's full load , on air it's really unadvisable, or maybe you should be satisfied with 3.2 or 3.3 ghz

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1.5v is the reported MAX you should take the Q6600 on air, unless your temps are under 65C at 100% load using 1.5v, I would not even attempt to use anything above that. If this is your first attempt at overclocking then if you keep going it will be your last with that CPU. Even if your Temps were low, using a Vcore that high can still damage it, your instability is probably RAM related. Most motherboards will default RAM to 1.8v and sometimes reduce the speed to compensate for the lack of voltage, you have to set the RAM to its rated speed, timings and voltage or it will be a blue screen nightmare when you start overclocking.

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droped it back down to 3.2gz, 400x8 fsb, 4-4-4-12---2.1v ran prime95 but am getting worker thread4 error: illegal sumout, possible hardware failure but the other 3 cores are running fine temps hit a 60 flat out using large ffts maximum heat + power consumption. any ideas what this could mean?

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How low can you set the CPU multiple and still leave the clock at 400? Get closer to CPU Stock speed and then run memtest86. Continue to up the multiple and run memtest until you start to error. Use tests 3-5-8 first. 8 may be the one to take you out. This will help you find your max ram speed and keep the cpu out of the picture.


With your current settings, if memtest errors it would be hard to tell if ram or cpu was the issue. I'm with Branjo and think it is your ram but it's still only a guess.

Edited by Syngensmyth

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have left settings at 3.2ghz and run 3 lots of memtest and passmark burnintest with no errors left it running 3 hours, memtest 86 will not load on my pc for some unknown reason so using memtest 3.7.prime 95 still throws errors on workerthread 4 saying rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4.

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havent messed with any timings yet but got memtest86 to work tryed it on 3=5=8 and left 8 to run for 2 hours without a single error, have took pics of bios, think it might be volt related, would love to get it running stable so i could enter forum wars, will have water cooling by then and am thinking of upgrading ram and adding another 3870x2 card so could be throwing some good scores out with any luck.... thanx for everyones help so far i feel like a prat having to ask as many questions as i have..post-63347-1216051004_thumb.jpgpost-63347-1216051066_thumb.jpg

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